Source code for exoctk.phase_constraint_overlap.phase_constraint_overlap

#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Phase contraint overlap tool. This tool calculates the minimum and
maximum phase of the primary or secondary transit (by default, primary)
based on parameters provided by the user.

    Catherine Martlin, 2018
    Mees Fix, 2018
    Nestor Espinoza, 2020

  calculate_constraint <target_name> [--t0=<t0>] [--period=<p>] [--pre_duration=<pre_duration>] [--transit_duration=<trans_dur>] [--window_size=<win_size>] [--secondary] [--eccentricity=<ecc>] [--omega=<omega>] [--inclination=<inc>] [--winn_approx] [--get_secondary_time]

  <target_name>                     Name of target
  -h --help                         Show this screen.
  --version                         Show version.
  --t0=<t0>                         The starting time of the transit in BJD or HJD. Only useful if user wants to have the time-of-secondary eclipse returned.
  --period=<p>                      The period of the transit in days.
  --pre_duration=<pre_duration>     The duration of observations *before* transit/eclipse mid-time in hours.
  --transit_duration=<trans_dur>    The duration of the transit in hours.
  --window_size=<win_size>          The window size of the transit in hours [default: 1.0]
  --secondary                       If active, calculate phases for secondary eclipses (user needs to supply eccentricity, omega and inclination).
  --eccentricity=<ecc>              The eccentricity of the orbit (needed for secondary eclipse constraints).
  --omega=<omega>                   The argument of periastron passage (needed for secondary eclipse constraints).
  --inclination=<inc>               The inclination of the orbit (needed for secondary eclipse constraints).
  --winn_approx                     If active, instead of running the whole Kepler equation calculation, time of secondary eclipse is calculated using eq. (6) in Winn (2010;
  --get_secondary_time                        If active, calculation also returns time-of-secondary eclipse. Needs t0 as input.

from astropy.time import Time
from docopt import docopt
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize

from exoctk.utils import get_target_data

[docs] def calculate_phase(period, pre_duration, window_size, t0=None, ecc=None, omega=None, inc=None, secondary=False, winn_approx=False, get_secondary_time=False): """Function to calculate the min and max phase. Parameters ---------- period : float The period of the transit in days. pre_duration : float The duration of observations *before* transit/eclipse mid-time in hours. window_size : float The window size of transit in hours. Default is 1 hour. t0 : float The time of (primary) transit center (only needed if get_secondary_time is True). ecc : float The eccentricity of the orbit (only needed for secondary eclipses). omega : float The argument of periastron passage, in degrees (only needed for secondary eclipses). inc : float The inclination of the orbit, in degrees (only needed for secondary eclipses). secondary : boolean If True, calculation will be done for secondary eclipses. winn_approx : boolean If True, secondary eclipse calculation will use the Winn (2010) approximation to estimate time of secondary eclipse --- (only valid for not very eccentric and inclined orbits). get_secondary_time : boolean If True, return time of secondary eclipse along with the phase constraints. Returns ------- minphase : float The minimum phase constraint. maxphase : float The maximum phase constraint. """ if t0 is None: if get_secondary_time: raise Exception("Error: can't return time of secondary eclipse without a time-of-transit center.") t0 = 1. if not secondary: minphase = 1.0 - ((pre_duration + window_size) / 24. / period) maxphase = 1.0 - ((pre_duration) / 24. / period) else: deg_to_rad = (np.pi / 180.) # Calculate time of secondary eclipse: tsec = calculate_tsec(period, ecc, omega * deg_to_rad, inc * deg_to_rad, t0=t0, winn_approximation=winn_approx) # Calculate difference in phase-space between primary and secondary eclipse (note calculate_tsec ensures tsec is # *the next* secondary eclipse after t0): phase_diff = (tsec - t0) / period # Estimate minphase and maxphase centered around this phase (thinking here is that, e.g., if phase_diff is 0.3 # then eclipse happens at 0.3 after 1 (being the latter by definition the time of primary eclipse --- i.e., transit). # Because phase runs from 0 to 1, this implies eclipse happens at phase 0.3): minphase = phase_diff - ((pre_duration + window_size) / 24. / period) maxphase = phase_diff - ((pre_duration) / 24. / period) # Wrap the phases around 0 and 1 in case limits blow in the previous calculation (unlikely, but user might be doing # something crazy or orbit could be extremely weird such that this can reasonably happen in the future). Note this # assumes -1 < minphase,maxphase < 2: if minphase < 0: minphase = 1. + minphase if maxphase > 1: maxphase = maxphase - 1. if get_secondary_time: return minphase, maxphase, tsec return minphase, maxphase
[docs] def calculate_pre_duration(transitDur): """Function to calculate the pre-transit hours to be spent on target as recommended by the Tdwell equation: 0.75 + Max(1hr,T14/2) (before transit) + T14 + Max(1hr, T14/2) (after transit) + 1hr (timing window) The output is, thus, 0.75 + Max(1hr,T14/2) (before transit) + T14/2. Parameters ---------- transitDur : float The duration of the transit/eclipse in hours. Returns ------- pretransit_duration : float The duration of the observation prior to transit/eclipse mid-time in hours. """ pretransit_duration = 0.75 + np.max([1., transitDur / 2.]) + transitDur / 2. return pretransit_duration
[docs] def calculate_tsec(period, ecc, omega, inc, t0=None, tperi=None, winn_approximation=False): """Function to calculate the time of secondary eclipse. This uses Halley's method (Newton-Raphson, but using second derivatives) to first find the true anomaly (f) at which secondary eclipse occurs, then uses this to get the eccentric anomaly (E) at secondary eclipse, which gives the mean anomaly (M) at secondary eclipse using Kepler's equation. This finally leads to the time of secondary eclipse using the definition of the mean anomaly (M = n*(t - tau) --- here tau is the time of pericenter passage, n = 2*pi/period the mean motion). Time inputs can be either the time of periastron passage directly or the time of transit center. If the latter, the true anomaly for primary transit will be calculated using Halley's method as well, and this will be used to get the time of periastron passage. Parameters ---------- period : float The period of the transit in days. ecc : float Eccentricity of the orbit omega : float Argument of periastron passage (in radians) inc : string Inclination of the orbit (in radians) t0 : float The transit time in BJD or HJD (will be used to get time of periastron passage). tperi : float The time of periastron passage in BJD or HJD (needed if t0 is not supplied). winn_approximation : boolean If True, the approximation in Winn (2010) is used --- (only valid for not very eccentric and inclined orbits). Returns ------- tsec : float The time of secondary eclipse """ # Check user is not playing trick on us: if period < 0: raise Exception('Period cannot be a negative number.') if ecc < 0 or ecc > 1: raise Exception('Eccentricity (e) is out of bounds (0 < e < 1).') # Use true anomaly approximation given in Winn (2010) as starting point: f_occ_0 = (-0.5 * np.pi) - omega if not winn_approximation: f_occ = optimize.newton(drsky, f_occ_0, fprime=drsky_prime, fprime2=drsky_2prime, args=(ecc, omega, inc,)) else: f_occ = f_occ_0 # Define the mean motion, n: n = 2. * np.pi / period # If time of transit center is given, use it to calculate the time of periastron passage. If no time of periastron # or time-of-transit center given, raise error: if tperi is None: # For this, find true anomaly during transit. Use Winn (2010) as starting point: f_tra_0 = (np.pi / 2.) - omega if not winn_approximation: f_tra = optimize.newton(drsky, f_tra_0, fprime=drsky_prime, fprime2=drsky_2prime, args=(ecc, omega, inc,)) else: f_tra = f_tra_0 # Get eccentric anomaly during transit: E = getE(f_tra, ecc) # Get mean anomaly during transit: M = getM(E, ecc) # Get time of periastron passage from mean anomaly definition: tperi = t0 - (M / n) elif (tperi is None) and (t0 is None): raise ValueError('The time of periastron passage or time-of-transit center has to be supplied for the calculation to work.') # Get eccentric anomaly: E = getE(f_occ, ecc) # Get mean anomaly during secondary eclipse: M = getM(E, ecc) # Get the time of secondary eclipse using the definition of the mean anomaly: tsec = (M / n) + tperi # Note returned time-of-secondary eclipse is the closest to the time of periastron passage and/or time-of-transit center. Check that # the returned tsec is the *next* tsec to the time of periastron or t0 (i.e., the closest *future* tsec): if t0 is not None: tref = t0 else: tref = tperi if tref > tsec: while True: tsec += period if tsec > tref: break return tsec
[docs] def drsky(x, ecc, omega, inc): """Function whose roots we wish to find to obtain time of secondary (and primary) eclipse(s) When one takes the derivative of equation (5) in Winn (2010;, and equates that to zero (to find the minimum/maximum of said function), one gets to an equation of the form g(x) = 0. This function (drsky) is g(x), where x is the true anomaly. Parameters ---------- x : float True anomaly ecc : float Eccentricity of the orbit omega : float Argument of periastron passage (in radians) inc : float Inclination of the orbit (in radians) Returns ------- drsky : float Function evaluated at x, ecc, omega, inc """ sq_sini = np.sin(inc) ** 2 sin_o_p_f = np.sin(x + omega) cos_o_p_f = np.cos(x + omega) f1 = sin_o_p_f * cos_o_p_f * sq_sini * (1. + ecc * np.cos(x)) f2 = ecc * np.sin(x) * (1. - sin_o_p_f ** 2 * sq_sini) return f1 - f2
[docs] def drsky_2prime(x, ecc, omega, inc): """Second derivative of function drsky. This is the second derivative with respect to f of the drsky function. Parameters ---------- x : float True anomaly ecc : float Eccentricity of the orbit omega : float Argument of periastron passage (in radians) inc : float Inclination of the orbit (in radians) Returns ------- drsky_2prime : float Function evaluated at x, ecc, omega, inc """ sq_sini = np.sin(inc) ** 2 sin_o_p_f = np.sin(x + omega) cos_o_p_f = np.cos(x + omega) ecosf = ecc * np.cos(x) esinf = ecc * np.sin(x) f1 = esinf - esinf * sq_sini * (sin_o_p_f ** 2) f2 = -sq_sini * (ecosf + 4.) * (sin_o_p_f * cos_o_p_f) return f1 + f2
[docs] def drsky_prime(x, ecc, omega, inc): """Derivative of function drsky. This is the first derivative with respect to f of the drsky function. Parameters ---------- x : float True anomaly ecc : float Eccentricity of the orbit omega : float Argument of periastron passage (in radians) inc : float Inclination of the orbit (in radians) Returns ------- drsky_prime : float Function evaluated at x, ecc, omega, inc """ sq_sini = np.sin(inc) ** 2 sin_o_p_f = np.sin(x + omega) cos_o_p_f = np.cos(x + omega) ecosf = ecc * np.cos(x) esinf = ecc * np.sin(x) f1 = (cos_o_p_f ** 2 - sin_o_p_f ** 2) * (sq_sini) * (1. + ecosf) f2 = -ecosf * (1 - (sin_o_p_f ** 2) * (sq_sini)) f3 = esinf * sin_o_p_f * cos_o_p_f * sq_sini return f1 + f2 + f3
[docs] def getE(f, ecc): """Function that returns the eccentric anomaly Note normally this is defined in terms of cosines (see, e.g., Section 2.4 in Murray and Dermott), but numerically this is troublesome because the arccosine doesn't handle negative numbers by definition (equation 2.43). That's why the arctan version is better as signs are preserved (derivation is also in the same section, equation 2.46). Parameters ---------- f : float True anomaly ecc : float Eccentricity Returns ------- E : float Eccentric anomaly """ return 2. * np.arctan(np.sqrt((1. - ecc) / (1. + ecc)) * np.tan(f / 2.))
[docs] def getLTT(a, c, ecc, omega, inc, f): """Function that calculates the Light Travel Time (LTT) for eclipses and transit This function returns the light travel time of an eclipse or transit given the orbital parameters, the semi-major axis of the orbit and the speed of light. Consistent units must be used for the latter two parameters. The returned time is in the units of time given by the speed of light input parameter. Parameters ---------- a : float Semi-major axis of the orbit. Can be in any unit, as long as it is consistent with c. c : float Speed of light. Can be in any unit, as long as it is consistent with a. The time-unit for the speed of light. will define the returned time-unit for the light-travel time. ecc : float Eccentricity of the orbit. omega : float Argument of periastron passage (in radians). inc : string Inclination of the orbit (in radians) f : float True anomaly at the time of transit and/or eclipse (in radians). Returns ------- ltt : float The light travel time, defined here as the time it takes for a photon to go from the planet at transit/eclipse to the plane in the sky where the star is located. """ # Distance from star to the planet in stellar reference system: r = a * (1. - ecc ** 2) / (1. + ecc * np.cos(f)) # Projected distance from planet to the plane the star is on the sky ('light travel distance'): ltd = r * np.sin(omega + f) * np.sin(inc) # Return distance divided by c to get LTT: return ltd / c
[docs] def getM(E, ecc): """Function that returns the mean anomaly using Kepler's equation Parameters ---------- E : float Eccentric anomaly ecc: float Eccentricity Returns ------- M : float Mean anomaly """ return E - ecc * np.sin(E)
[docs] def phase_overlap_constraint(target_name, period=None, t0=None, pretransit_duration=None, transit_dur=None, window_size=None, secondary=False, ecc=None, omega=None, inc=None, winn_approx=False, get_secondary_time=False): """The main function to calculate the phase overlap constraints. We will update to allow a user to just plug in the target_name and get the other variables. Parameters ---------- target_name : string The name of the target transiting planet. period : float The period of the transit in days. t0 : float The transit mid-time in BJD or HJD (only useful if time-of-secondary eclipse wants to be returned). pretransit_duration : float The duration of the observations *before* transit/eclipse in hours. transit_dur : float The duration of the transit/eclipse in hours. window_size : float The window size of transit in hours. Default is 1 hour. secondary : boolean If True, phase constraint will be the one for the secondary eclipse. Default is primary (i.e., transits). ecc : float Eccentricity of the orbit. Needed only if secondary is True. omega : float Argument of periastron of the orbit in degrees. Needed only if secondary is True. inc : float Inclination of the orbit in degrees. Needed only if secondary is true. winn_approx : boolean If True, instead of running the whole Kepler equation calculation, time of secondary eclipse is calculated using eq. (6) in Winn (2010; get_secondary_time : boolean If True, this function also returns the time-of-mid secondary eclipse. Returns ------- minphase : float The minimum phase constraint. maxphase : float The maximum phase constraint. tsec : float (optional) If get_secondary_time is True, the time of secondary eclipse in the same units as input t0. """ gotdata = False # If secondary eclipse, check eccentricity, omega and inclination are given. If not, get data from exoMAST: if secondary: if ecc is None: data = get_target_data(target_name) gotdata = True ecc = data[0]['eccentricity'] if ecc is None: raise Exception('User needs to input eccentricity, as the value was not found at exoMAST {}.'.format(target_name)) if omega is None: if not gotdata: data = get_target_data(target_name) gotdata = True omega = data[0]['omega'] if omega is None: raise Exception('User needs to input argument of periastron (omega), as the value was not found at exoMAST for {}.'.format(target_name)) if inc is None: if not gotdata: data = get_target_data(target_name) gotdata = True inc = data[0]['inclination'] if inc is None: raise Exception('User needs to input inclination of the orbit, as the value was not found at exoMAST for {}.'.format(target_name)) # If pre-transit duration or period is not given, extract it from transit duration using the Tdwell equation: if pretransit_duration is None or period is None: if not gotdata: data = get_target_data(target_name) gotdata = True # If period is not given, extract it: if period is None: period = data[0]['orbital_period'] t0 = Time(data[0]['transit_time'], format='mjd') print('Retrieved period is {}. Retrieved t0 is {}.'.format(period, t0)) # If transit/eclipse duration not supplied by the user, extract it from the get_target_data function: if transit_dur is None and pretransit_duration is None: # Transit duration from get_target_data comes in days: transit_dur = data[0]['transit_duration'] * 24. if secondary: # Factor from equation (16) in Winn (2010). This is, of course, an approximation. # TODO: Implement equation (13) in the same paper. Needs optimization plus numerical integration. factor = np.sqrt(1. - ecc ** 2) / (1. - ecc * np.sin(omega * (np.pi / 180.))) transit_dur = transit_dur * factor if pretransit_duration is None: pretransit_duration = calculate_pre_duration(transit_dur) print('Retrieved transit/eclipse duration is: {} hrs; implied pre mid-transit/eclipse on-target time: {} hrs.'.format(transit_dur, pretransit_duration)) print('Performing calculations with Period: {}, t0: {}, ecc: {}, omega: {} degs, inc: {} degs.'.format(period, t0, ecc, omega, inc)) if get_secondary_time: minphase, maxphase, tsec = calculate_phase(period, pretransit_duration, window_size, t0=t0, ecc=ecc, omega=omega, inc=inc, secondary=secondary, winn_approx=winn_approx, get_secondary_time=get_secondary_time) print('MINIMUM PHASE: {}, MAXIMUM PHASE: {}, TSEC: {}'.format(minphase, maxphase, tsec)) return minphase, maxphase, tsec else: minphase, maxphase = calculate_phase(period, pretransit_duration, window_size, t0=t0, ecc=ecc, omega=omega, inc=inc, secondary=secondary, winn_approx=winn_approx, get_secondary_time=get_secondary_time) print('MINIMUM PHASE: {}, MAXIMUM PHASE: {}'.format(minphase, maxphase)) return minphase, maxphase
# Need to make entry point for this! if __name__ == '__main__': args = docopt(__doc__, version='0.1') # First, save the secondary flag (which is a boolean): secondary = args['--secondary'] # Save the winn_approx flag as well: winn_approx = args['--winn_approx'] # And the get_secondary_time flag: get_secondary_time = args['--get_secondary_time'] # Convert all entries from strs to floats (this will convert the --secondary arg above, but that's OK): for k, v in args.items(): try: args[k] = float(v) except (ValueError, TypeError): # Handles None and char strings. continue phase_overlap_constraint(args['<target_name>'], period=args['--period'], t0=args['--t0'], pretransit_duration=args['--pre_duration'], transit_dur=args['--transit_duration'], window_size=args['--window_size'], secondary=secondary, ecc=args['--eccentricity'], omega=args['--omega'], inc=args['--inclination'], winn_approx=winn_approx, get_secondary_time=get_secondary_time)