Source code for exoctk.groups_integrations.groups_integrations

This is a module for calcuating groups and integrations with JWST on the fly. 
the main function (perform_calculation) takes a dictionary of inputs 
(modeled around how the web tool takes inputs) which must include : 
obs_time, n_group, mag, mod, band, filt, filt_ta, ins, subarray, subarray_ta, 
sat_mode, sat_max, and infile. It produces and dictionary of outputs that includes 
all of the original information as well as groups, integrations, saturation levels, 
and observation time estimates for target acquisition and science observations
with JWST. 

    Jules Fowler, April 2017

    This is mostly a module to be used by ExoCTKWeb -- but the main function
    can be run standalone.


import json
import math
import os
from decimal import Decimal

from import ascii
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.integrate import quad


[docs]def calc_groups_from_exp_time(max_exptime_per_int, t_frame): """ Given the maximum saturation time, calculates the number of frames per group. Parameters ---------- max_exptime_per_int : float The maximum number of seconds an integration can last before it's oversaturated. t_frame : float The time per frame. Returns ------- groups : int The required number of groups. """ groups = max_exptime_per_int/t_frame return np.floor(groups)
[docs]def calc_n_int(transit_time, n_group, n_reset, t_frame, n_frame): """Calculates number of integrations required. Parameters ---------- transit_time : float The time of your planeting transit (in hours.) n_group : int Groups per integration. n_reset : int Reset frames per integration. t_frame : float The frame time (in seconds). n_frame : int Frames per group -- always 1 except maybe brown dwarves. Returns ------- n_ints : float The required number of integraitions. """ hour = 3600 n_ints = (float(transit_time)*hour)/(t_frame*(n_group*n_frame+n_reset)) return math.ceil(n_ints)
[docs]def calc_obs_efficiency(t_exp, t_duration): """Calculates the observation efficiency. Parameters ---------- t_exp : float Exposure time (in seconds). t_duration : float Duration time (in seconds). Returns ------- obs_eff : float Observation efficiency. """ obs_eff = t_exp/t_duration return obs_eff
[docs]def calc_t_duration(n_group, n_int, n_reset, t_frame, n_frame=1): """Calculates duration time (or exposure duration as told by APT.) Parameters ---------- n_group : int Groups per integration. n_int : int Integrations per exposure. n_reset : int Reset frames per integration. t_frame : float Frame time (in seconds). n_frame : int, optional Frames per group -- always one except brown dwarves. Returns ------- t_duration : float Duration time (in seconds). """ t_duration = t_frame*(n_group*n_frame + n_reset)*n_int return t_duration
[docs]def calc_t_exp(n_int, t_ramp): """Calculates exposure time (or photon collection duration as told by APT.) Parameters ---------- n_int : int Integrations per exposure. t_ramp : float Ramp time (in seconds). Returns ------- t_exp : float Exposure time (in seconds). """ t_exp = n_int*t_ramp return t_exp
[docs]def calc_t_frame(n_col, n_row, n_amp, ins): """Calculates the frame time for a given ins/readmode/subarray. Parameters ---------- n_col : int Number of columns. n_row : int Number of rows. n_amp : int Amplifiers reading data. ins : str The instrument key. Returns: t_frame : float The frame time (in seconds). """ n_col, n_amp, n_row = int(n_col), int(n_amp), int(n_row) if ins == 'nirspec': n = 2 if ins in ['nircam', 'niriss']: n = 1 t_frame = (n_col/n_amp + 12)*(n_row + n)*(1e-5) return t_frame
[docs]def calc_t_int(n_group, t_frame, n_frame, n_skip): """Calculates the integration time. Parameters ---------- n_group : int Groups per integration. t_frame : float Frame time (in seconds). n_frame : int Frames per group -- always 1 except maybe brown dwarves. n_skip : int Skips per integration -- always 0 except maybe brown dwarves. Returns ------- t_int : float Integration time (in seconds). """ t_int = (n_group*(n_frame + n_skip) - n_skip)*t_frame return t_int
[docs]def calc_t_ramp(t_int, n_reset, t_frame): """Calculates the ramp time -- or the integration time plus overhead for resets. Parameters ---------- t_int : float Integration time (in seconds). n_reset : int Rest frames per integration t_frame : float Frame time (in seconds). Returns ------- t_ramp : float Ramp time (in seconds). """ t_ramp = t_int + (n_reset - 1)*t_frame return t_ramp
[docs]def convert_sat(sat_max, sat_mode, ins, infile, ta=False): """ Converts full well fraction to a saturation in counts OR provides the max fullwell for TA mode. Parameters ---------- sat_max : float Either a full well fraction or counts. sat_mode : str 'well' or 'counts'. ins : str The instrument. infile : str The path to the data file. ta : bool, optional Whether or not it's TA mode. Returns ------- sat_max : float The fullwell to use in counts. """ with open(infile) as f: dat = json.load(f) ins_dict = dat['fullwell'] if sat_mode == 'well': sat_max = float(sat_max)*float(ins_dict[ins]) if ta: sat_max = ins_dict[ins] return sat_max
[docs]def interpolate_from_dat(mag, ins, filt, sub, mod, band, t_frame, sat_lvl, infile, ta=False): """ Interpolates the precalculated pandeia data to estimate the saturation limit. Parameters ---------- mag : float The magnitude of the source. (Takes between 4.5-12.5) ins : str The instrument, allowable "miri", "niriss", "nirspec", "nircam". filt : str Filter. sub : str Subarray. mod : str Phoenix model key. band : str Magnitude band -- unsed rn. t_frame : float Frame time. sat_lvl : float The maximum fullwell saturation we'll allow. infile : str The data file to use. ta : bool, optional Whether or not we're running this for TA. Returns ------- n_group : int The number of groups that won't oversaturate the detector. max_sat : int The maximum saturation level reached by that number of groups. """ # Create the dictionaries for each filter and select out the prerun data with open(infile) as f: dat = json.load(f) ta_or_sci = 'sci_sat' if ta: ta_or_sci = 'ta_sat' # The data mags = np.array(dat['mags']) sat = dat[ta_or_sci][ins][filt][sub][mod] log_sat = np.log10(sat) # Interpolate the given magnitude func_log = interpolate.interp1d(mags, log_sat) max_log_sat = func_log(float(mag)) max_sat = 10**(max_log_sat) # Figure out what it means in wake of the given sat lvl max_exptime = float(sat_lvl)/max_sat # Calculate the nearest number of groups n_group = calc_groups_from_exp_time(max_exptime, t_frame) # Can't have zero groups n_group = n_group or 1 return n_group, max_sat
[docs]def map_to_ta_modes(ins, max_group, min_group): """Turns the min/max groups into the closest allowable TA group mode. Parameters ---------- ins : str Instrument. max_group : int The maximum number of groups without oversaturating. min_group : int The groups needed to hit the target SNR. Returns ------- min_ta_groups : int The min possible groups to hit target SNR. max_ta_groups : int The max possible groups before saturation. """ # Allowable group modes for each ins groups = {'miri': [3, 5, 9, 15, 23, 33, 45, 59, 75, 93, 113, 135, 159, 185, 243, 275, 513], 'niriss': [3, 5, 7, 9, 1, 13, 15, 17, 19], 'nirspec': [3], 'nircam': [3, 5, 9, 17, 33, 65] } # Match the literal min and max groups to the nearest mode. allowable_groups = groups[ins] min_ta_groups = min(allowable_groups, key=lambda x:abs(x-min_group)) max_ta_groups = min(allowable_groups, key=lambda x:abs(x-max_group)) # Unless it was oversaturated from the get-go OR there aren't enough groups # for SNR if min_group == 0: min_ta_groups = 0 max_ta_groups = 0 if min_group > max(allowable_groups): min_ta_groups = -1 max_ta_groups = 0 # BOTH ARE FLIPPED RN -- I WILL FLIP BOTH BACK SOON... return max_ta_groups, min_ta_groups
[docs]def min_groups(mag, ins, filt, sub, mod, band, infile): """Estimates the minimum number of groups to reach target acq sat requirements. Parameters ---------- mag : float Magnitude of star. ins : str Instrument. filt : str Filter. sub : str Subarray. mod : str Phoenix model key. band : str, currently unused? The band -- right now only k sooo? infile : str The file with the pandeia data. Returns ------- min_groups : int The minimum number of groups to reach target snr. """ with open(infile) as f: dat = json.load(f) # Match to closest magnitude mags = [float(i) for i in dat['mags']] closest_mag = min(mags, key=lambda x:abs(x-float(mag))) index = mags.index(closest_mag) # Match to data min_groups = dat['ta_snr'][ins][filt][sub][mod][index] return min_groups
[docs]def perform_calculation(params, n_frame=1, n_skip=0): """Calculates all of the outputs and puts them in a dictionary for easy access. Parameters ---------- params : dict Dictionary of all the needed parameters. Must include: obs_time, n_group, mag, mod, band, filt, filt_ta, ins, subarray, subarray_ta, sat_mode, sat_max, infile n_frame :int, optional The number of frames -- almost always 1. n_skip: int, optional Number of skips -- almost always 0 Returns ------- params : dict, str Dictionary of outputs and inputs. If the calculation throws an error it will return a string error message instead. """ ## -- TARGET ACQ ta_frame_time = set_t_frame(params['infile'], params['ins'], params['subarray_ta'], ta=True) max_sat_ta_lvl = convert_sat(params['sat_max'], params['sat_mode'], params['ins'], params['infile'], ta=True) max_group, sat_rate_ta = interpolate_from_dat(params['mag'], params['ins'], params['filt_ta'], params['subarray_ta'], params['mod'], params['band'], ta_frame_time, max_sat_ta_lvl, params['infile'], ta=True) min_group = min_groups(params['mag'], params['ins'], params['filt_ta'], params['subarray_ta'], params['mod'], params['band'], params['infile']) min_ta_groups, max_ta_groups = map_to_ta_modes(params['ins'], max_group, min_group) t_duration_ta_min = calc_t_duration(min_ta_groups, 1, 1, ta_frame_time) t_duration_ta_max = calc_t_duration(max_ta_groups, 1, 1, ta_frame_time) ## -- Science obs # Figure out the rows/cols/amps/px_size and sat ins_params = set_params_from_ins(params['ins'], params['subarray']) frame_time = set_t_frame(params['infile'], params['ins'], params['subarray']) # Run all the calculations n_row, n_col, n_amp, px_size, t_frame, n_reset = ins_params band_ins = '{0}_{1}'.format(params['band'], params['filt']) params['sat_max'] = convert_sat(params['sat_max'], params['sat_mode'], params['ins'], params['infile']) # Calculate countrate and n_groups if it isn't supplied n_group, sat_rate = interpolate_from_dat(params['mag'], params['ins'], params['filt'], params['subarray'], params['mod'], params['band'], frame_time, params['sat_max'], params['infile']) if str(params['n_group']) == 'optimize': params['n_group'] = int(n_group) else: params['n_group'] = int(float(params['n_group'])) ## -- Aditional helpful params # Calculate times/ramps/etc t_int = calc_t_int(params['n_group'], frame_time, n_frame, n_skip) t_ramp = calc_t_ramp(t_int, n_reset, frame_time) # Calculate nubmer of integrations (THE MEAT) n_int = calc_n_int(params['obs_time'], params['n_group'], n_reset, frame_time, n_frame) # Other things that may come in handy who knows? t_exp = calc_t_exp(n_int, t_ramp) t_duration = calc_t_duration(params['n_group'], n_int, n_reset, frame_time, n_frame) obs_eff = calc_obs_efficiency(t_exp, t_duration) # Update params with new friends params['n_col'] = n_col params['n_row'] = n_row params['n_amp'] = n_amp params['n_reset'] = n_reset params['n_frame'] = n_frame params['n_skip'] = n_skip params['t_frame'] = round(frame_time, 3) params['t_int'] = round(t_int, 3) params['t_ramp'] = round(t_ramp, 3) params['n_int'] = n_int params['t_exp'] = round(t_exp/3600, 3) params['t_duration'] = round(t_duration/3600, 3) params['obs_eff'] = round(obs_eff, 3) params['ta_t_frame'] = ta_frame_time params['min_ta_groups'] = int(min_ta_groups) params['max_ta_groups'] = int(max_ta_groups) params['t_duration_ta_min'] = t_duration_ta_min params['t_duration_ta_max'] = t_duration_ta_max params['max_sat_prediction'] = round(sat_rate*frame_time*params['n_group'], 3) params['max_sat_ta'] = round(sat_rate_ta*ta_frame_time*max_ta_groups, 3) params['min_sat_ta'] = round(sat_rate_ta*ta_frame_time*min_ta_groups, 3) return params
[docs]def set_params_from_ins(ins, subarray): """Sets/collects the running parameters from the instrument. Parameters ---------- ins : str Instrument, options are nircam, niriss, nirpec, and miri. subarray : str Subarray mode. Returns ------- rows : int The number of pixels per row. cols : int The number of columns per row. """ n_reset = 1 if ins == 'nirspec': px_size = (40e-4)**2 if subarray == 'sub2048': rows, cols = 2048, 32 elif subarray in ['sub1024a', 'sub1024b']: rows, cols = 1024, 32 elif subarray == 'sub512': rows, cols = 512, 32 amps = 1 # 4 if not NRSRAPID???? ft = calc_t_frame(cols, rows, amps, ins) elif ins == 'nircam': px_size = (18e-4)**2 if subarray == 'full': rows, cols, amps = 2048, 2048, 4 elif subarray == 'subgrism256': rows, cols, amps = 256, 256, 1 elif subarray == 'subgrism128': rows, cols, amps = 128, 2048, 1 elif subarray == 'subgrism64': rows, cols, amps = 64, 2048, 1 ft = calc_t_frame(cols, rows, amps, ins) elif ins == 'miri': px_size = (25e-4)**2 if subarray == 'slitlessprism': rows, cols, ft = 416, 72, .159 amps = 4 n_reset = 0 elif ins == 'niriss': px_size = (40e-4)**2 if subarray == 'substrip96': rows, cols = 2048, 96 elif subarray == 'substrip256': rows, cols = 2048, 256 amps = 1 ft = calc_t_frame(cols, rows, amps, ins) return rows, cols, amps, px_size, ft, n_reset
[docs]def set_t_frame(infile, ins, sub, ta=False): """ Assign the appropriate frame time based on the ins and subarray. For now, modes are implied. Parameters ---------- infile: str The path to the data file. ins : str The instrument : 'miri', 'niriss', 'nirspec', or 'nircam'. sub : str The subarray -- too lazy to write out the options here. ta : bool Whether this is for TA or not. Returns ------- t_frame : float The frame time for this ins/sub combo. """ # Read in dict with frame times with open(infile) as f: frame_time = json.load(f)['frame_time'] if ta: t_frame = frame_time[ins]['ta'][sub] else: t_frame = frame_time[ins][sub] return t_frame
## -- RUN # There's no function call right now because these inputs are ornery. # I can add one if someone feels strongly.