Source code for exoctk.contam_visibility.visibilityPA

"""Produces a graph of the visibility & accessible position angles
for a given RA & DEC, and prints out corresponding information,
including the ranges of accessible and inaccessible PAs.

Usage: python RA DEC [targetName]
 if targetName is specified, then the figure is saved

-Created by David Lafreniere, March 2016
-makes use of (and hacks) several scripts created by Pierre Ferruit
 that are part of the JWST Python tools JWSTpylib and JWSTpytools
import datetime
import math
import pkg_resources

from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.time import Time
from bokeh.plotting import figure, ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, ranges
from bokeh.models.widgets import Panel, Tabs
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import numpy as np

from . import ephemeris_old2x as EPH
from jwst_gtvt.find_tgt_info import get_table

D2R = math.pi/180.  # degrees to radians
R2D = 180./math.pi  # radians to degrees

[docs]def convert_ddmmss_to_float(astring): """Convert sexigesimal to decimal degrees Parameters ---------- astring: str The sexigesimal coordinate. Returns ------- hour_or_deg : float The converted coordinate. """ aline = astring.split(':') d = float(aline[0]) m = float(aline[1]) s = float(aline[2]) hour_or_deg = (s/60.+m)/60.+d return hour_or_deg
[docs]def checkVisPA(ra, dec, targetName=None, ephFileName=None, fig=None): """Check the visibility at a range of position angles. Parameters ---------- ra: str The RA of the target in hh:mm:ss.s or dd:mm:ss.s or representing a float dec: str The Dec of the target in hh:mm:ss.s or dd:mm:ss.s or representing a float targetName: str The target name ephFileName: str The filename of the ephemeris file fig: bokeh.plotting.figure The figure to plot to Returns ------- paGood : float The good position angle. paBad : float The bad position angle. gd : matplotlib.dates object The greogrian date. fig : bokeh.plotting.figure object The plotted figure. """ if ephFileName is None: eph_file = 'data/contam_visibility/JWST_ephem_short.txt' ephFileName = pkg_resources.resource_filename('exoctk', eph_file) if ra.find(':') > -1: # format is hh:mm:ss.s or dd:mm:ss.s ra = convert_ddmmss_to_float(ra) * 15. * D2R dec = convert_ddmmss_to_float(dec) * D2R else: # format is decimal ra = float(ra) * D2R dec = float(dec) * D2R # load ephemeris eclFlag = False eph = EPH.Ephemeris(ephFileName, eclFlag) # convert dates from MJD to Gregorian calendar dates mjd = np.array(eph.datelist) d = mdates.julian2num(mjd+2400000.5) gd = mdates.num2date(d) # loop through dates and determine VIS and PAs (nominal, min, max) vis = np.empty(mjd.size, dtype=bool) paNom = np.empty(mjd.size) paMin = np.empty(mjd.size) paMax = np.empty(mjd.size) for i in range(mjd.size): # is it visible? vis[i] = eph.in_FOR(mjd[i], ra, dec) # nominal PA at this date pa = eph.normal_pa(mjd[i], ra, dec) # search for minimum PA allowed by roll pa0 = pa while eph.is_valid(mjd[i], ra, dec, pa0-0.002): pa0 -= 0.002 # search for maximum PA allowed by roll pa1 = pa while eph.is_valid(mjd[i], ra, dec, pa1+0.002): pa1 += 0.002 paNom[i] = (pa*R2D) % 360 paMin[i] = (pa0*R2D) % 360 paMax[i] = (pa1*R2D) % 360 # does PA go through 360 deg? wrap = np.any(np.abs(np.diff(paNom[np.where(vis)[0]])) > 350) # Determine good and bad PA ranges # Good PAs i, = np.where(vis) pa = np.concatenate((paNom[i], paMin[i], paMax[i])) if wrap: pa = np.append(pa, (0., 360.)) pa.sort() i1, = np.where(np.diff(pa) > 10) i0 = np.insert(i1+1, 0, 0) i1 = np.append(i1, -1) paGood = np.dstack((pa[i0], pa[i1])).round(1).reshape(-1, 2).tolist() # bad PAs (complement of the good PAs) paBad = [] if paGood[0][0] > 0: paBad.append([0., paGood[0][0]]) for i in range(1, len(paGood)): paBad.append([paGood[i-1][1], paGood[i][0]]) if paGood[-1][1] < 360.: paBad.append([paGood[-1][1], 360.]) # Make a figure if fig is None or fig == True: tools = 'crosshair, reset, hover, save' radec = ', '.join([str(ra), str(dec)]) fig = figure(tools=tools, plot_width=800, plot_height=400, x_axis_type='datetime', title=targetName or radec) # Do all figure calculations iBad, = np.where(vis == False) paMasked = np.copy(paNom) paMasked[iBad] = np.nan gdMasked = np.copy(gd) i = np.argmax(paNom) if paNom[i+1] < 10: i += 1 paMasked = np.insert(paMasked, i, np.nan) gdMasked = np.insert(gdMasked, i, gdMasked[i]) i = np.argmax(paMin) goUp = paMin[i-2] < paMin[i-1] # PA going up at wrap point? # Top part i0_top = 0 if goUp else i i1_top = i if goUp else paMin.size-1 paMaxTmp = np.copy(paMax) paMaxTmp[np.where(paMin > paMax)[0]] = 360 # Bottom part i = np.argmin(paMax) i0_bot = i if goUp else 0 i1_bot = paMin.size-1 if goUp else i paMinTmp = np.copy(paMin) paMinTmp[np.where(paMin > paMax)[0]] = 0 # Convert datetime to a number for Bokeh gdMaskednum = [, 6, 1)+datetime.timedelta(days=n) for n, d in enumerate(gdMasked)] color = 'green' # Draw the curve and error fig.line(gdMaskednum, paMasked, legend='cutoff', line_color=color) # Top terr_y = np.concatenate([paMin[i0_top:i1_top+1], paMaxTmp[i0_top:i1_top+1][::-1]]) terr_x = np.concatenate([gdMaskednum[i0_top:i1_top+1], gdMaskednum[i0_top:i1_top+1][::-1]]) fig.patch(terr_x, terr_y, color=color, fill_alpha=0.2, line_alpha=0) # Bottom berr_y = np.concatenate([paMinTmp[i0_bot:i1_bot+1], paMax[i0_bot:i1_bot+1][::-1]]) berr_x = np.concatenate([gdMaskednum[i0_bot:i1_bot+1], gdMaskednum[i0_bot:i1_bot+1][::-1]]) fig.patch(berr_x, berr_y, color='red', fill_alpha=0.2, line_alpha=0) from bokeh.plotting import show show(fig) # Plot formatting fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'Date' fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'Aperture Position Angle (degrees)' return paGood, paBad, gd, fig
[docs]def fill_between(fig, xdata, pamin, pamax, **kwargs): # addressing NIRSpec issue # now creating the patches for the arrays nanbot = np.where([np.isnan(i) for i in pamin])[0] nantop = np.where([np.isnan(i) for i in pamax])[0] yb = np.split(pamin, nanbot) xs = np.split(xdata, nanbot) yt = np.split(pamax, nantop) for x, bot, top in zip(xs, yb, yt): x = np.append(x, x[::-1]) y = np.append(bot, top[::-1]) fig.patch(x, y, **kwargs) return fig
[docs]def using_gtvt(ra, dec, instrument, targetName='noName', ephFileName=None, output='bokeh'): """Plot the visibility (at a range of position angles) against time. Parameters ---------- ra : str The RA of the target (in degrees) hh:mm:ss.s or dd:mm:ss.s or representing a float dec : str The Dec of the target (in degrees) hh:mm:ss.s or dd:mm:ss.s or representing a float instrument : str Name of the instrument. Can either be (case-sensitive): 'NIRISS', 'NIRCam', 'MIRI', 'FGS', or 'NIRSpec' ephFileName : str The filename of the ephemeris file. output : str Switches on plotting with Bokeh. Parameter value must be 'bokeh'. Returns ------- paGood : float The good position angle. paBad : float The bad position angle. gd : matplotlib.dates object The gregorian date. fig : bokeh.plotting.figure object The plotted figure. """ # Getting calculations from GTVT (General Target Visibility Tool) tab = get_table(ra, dec) gd = tab['Date'] paMin = tab[str(instrument)+' min'] paMax = tab[str(instrument)+' max'] paNom = tab[str(instrument)+' nom'] v3min = tab['V3PA min'] v3max = tab['V3PA max'] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Addressing NIRSpec issue* # *the issue that NIRSpec's angle goes beyond 360 degrees with some targs, # thus resetting back to 0 degrees, which can make the plot look weird # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ index = np.arange(0, len(paNom), 1) for idx in index: try: a1 = paNom[idx] b1 = paNom[idx+1] if (np.isfinite(a1)==True) & (np.isfinite(b1)==True): delta = np.abs(a1-b1) if delta>250: print(a1,b1,delta) gd = np.insert(gd, idx+1, np.nan) paMin = np.insert(paMin, idx+1, np.nan) paMax = np.insert(paMax, idx+1, np.nan) paNom = np.insert(paNom, idx+1, np.nan) v3min = np.insert(v3min, idx+1, np.nan) v3max = np.insert(v3min, idx+1, np.nan) except: pass # Setting up HoverTool parameters & other variables COLOR = 'green' TOOLS = 'pan, wheel_zoom, box_zoom, reset, save' SOURCE = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(pamin=paMin,\ panom=paNom,\ pamax=paMax,\ date=gd)) TOOLTIPS = [('Date','@date{%F}'),\ ('Maximum Aperture PA', '@pamax'),\ ('Nominal Aperture PA', '@panom'),\ ('Minimum Aperture PA', '@pamin')] # Time to plot if output=='bokeh': fig = figure(tools=TOOLS,\ plot_width=800,\ plot_height=400,\ x_axis_type='datetime',\ title='{} Visibility with {}'.format(targetName, instrument)) # Draw the curve and PA min/max circles nom = fig.line('date', 'panom', line_color=COLOR, legend='Nominal Aperture PA', alpha=.5, source=SOURCE)'date', 'pamin', color=COLOR, size=1, source=SOURCE)'date', 'pamax', color=COLOR, size=1, source=SOURCE) # Adding HoverTool fig.add_tools(HoverTool(renderers=[nom], tooltips=TOOLTIPS, formatters={'date':'datetime'}, mode='vline')) # Plot formatting fig.xaxis.axis_label = 'Date' fig.yaxis.axis_label = 'Aperture Position Angle (degrees)' fig.y_range = ranges.Range1d(0, 360) # Making the output table # Creating new lists w/o the NaN values v3minnan, v3maxnan, paNomnan, paMinnan, paMaxnan, gdnan, mjds = \ [], [], [], [], [], [], [] for vmin, vmax, pnom, pmin, pmax, date in zip(v3min, v3max, paNom, paMin, paMax, gd): if np.isfinite(pmin)==True: v3minnan.append(vmin) v3maxnan.append(vmax) paNomnan.append(pnom) paMinnan.append(pmin) paMaxnan.append(pmax) gdnan.append(date) # Adding MJD column mjdnan = [] for date in gdnan: t = Time(str(date), format='iso') mjd = t.mjd mjdnan.append(mjd) # Adding lists to a table object table = Table([v3minnan, v3maxnan, paMinnan, paMaxnan, paNomnan, gdnan, mjdnan],\ names=('min_V3_PA', 'max_V3_PA','min_Aperture_PA',\ 'max_Aperture_PA', 'nom_Aperture_PA', 'Gregorian', 'MJD')) # Getting bad PAs allPAs = np.arange(0, 360, 1) badPAs = [] for pa in allPAs: if (pa not in np.round(paMinnan)) & \ (pa not in np.round(paMaxnan)) & \ (pa not in np.round(paNomnan)): print('the bad PAs:', pa) badPAs.append(pa) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # This addresses a bokeh shading issue that accidentally shades # accessible PAs (e.g: trappist-1b) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ remove_pa = [] for badpa in badPAs: for panom in paNomnan: diff = np.abs(badpa-panom) if diff < 7: remove_pa.append(badpa) for pa in np.unique(remove_pa): badPAs.remove(pa) # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Grouping the bad PAs into lists within the badPAs list. # This will make bad PA shading easier in the contamination Bokeh plot # ( # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ badPAs = np.sort(badPAs) grouped_badPAs = [[badPAs[0]]] for idx in range(1, len(badPAs)): if ((badPAs[idx - 1] + 1) == badPAs[idx]): print((badPAs[idx - 1] + 1)) print(badPAs[idx]) grouped_badPAs[len(grouped_badPAs) - 1].append(badPAs[idx]) elif ((badPAs[idx - 1] + 1) < badPAs[idx]): grouped_badPAs.append([badPAs[idx]]) grouped_badPAs = np.asarray(grouped_badPAs) return paMin, paMax, gd, fig, table, grouped_badPAs