Source code for exoctk.contam_visibility.sossFieldSim

import glob
import os

from astroquery.irsa import Irsa
import astropy.coordinates as crd
import astropy.units as u
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from import readsav
from import fits
from exoctk.utils import get_env_variables

EXOCTK_DATA = os.environ.get('EXOCTK_DATA')
    print('WARNING: The $EXOCTK_DATA environment variable is not set. Contamination overlap will not work. Please set the '
          'value of this variable to point to the location of the exoctk_data '
            'download folder.  Users may retreive this folder by clicking the '
            '"ExoCTK Data Download" button on the ExoCTK website, or by using '
            'the exoctk.utils.download_exoctk_data() function.'
    TRACES_PATH = None
    TRACES_PATH = os.path.join(EXOCTK_DATA,  'exoctk_contam', 'traces')

[docs]def sossFieldSim(ra, dec, binComp='', dimX=256): """ Produce a SOSS field simulation for a target. Parameters ---------- ra: float The RA of the target. dec: float The Dec of the target. binComp: sequence The parameters of a binary companion. dimX: int The subarray size. Returns ------- simuCub : np.ndarray The simulated data cube. """ # stars in large field around target targetcrd = crd.SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(u.hour, u.deg)) targetRA = targetcrd.ra.value targetDEC = targetcrd.dec.value info = Irsa.query_region(targetcrd, catalog='fp_psc', spatial='Cone', radius=2.5*u.arcmin) # coordinates of all stars in FOV, including target allRA = info['ra'] allDEC = info['dec'] Jmag = info['j_m'] Hmag = info['h_m'] Kmag = info['k_m'] J_Hobs = Jmag-Hmag H_Kobs = Hmag-Kmag # target coords aa = ((targetRA-allRA)*np.cos(targetDEC)) distance = np.sqrt(aa**2 + (targetDEC-allDEC)**2) targetIndex = np.argmin(distance) # the target # add any missing companion if binComp != '': deg2rad = np.pi/180 bb = binComp[0]/3600/np.cos(allDEC[targetIndex]*deg2rad) allRA = np.append(allRA, (allRA[targetIndex] + bb)) allDEC = np.append(allDEC, (allDEC[targetIndex] + binComp[1]/3600)) Jmag = np.append(Jmag, binComp[2]) Hmag = np.append(Kmag, binComp[3]) Kmag = np.append(Kmag, binComp[4]) J_Hobs = Jmag-Hmag H_Kobs = Hmag-Kmag # number of stars nStars = allRA.size # Restoring model parameters modelParam = readsav(os.path.join(TRACES_PATH, 'NIRISS', 'modelsInfo.sav'), verbose=False) models = modelParam['models'] modelPadX = modelParam['modelpadx'] modelPadY = modelParam['modelpady'] dimXmod = modelParam['dimxmod'] dimYmod = modelParam['dimymod'] jhMod = modelParam['jhmod'] hkMod = modelParam['hkmod'] teffMod = modelParam['teffmod'] # find/assign Teff of each star starsT = np.empty(nStars) for j in range(nStars): color_separation = (J_Hobs[j]-jhMod)**2+(H_Kobs[j]-hkMod)**2 min_separation_ind = np.argmin(color_separation) starsT[j] = teffMod[min_separation_ind] radeg = 180/np.pi niriss_pixel_scale = 0.065 # arcsec sweetSpot = dict(x=856, y=107, RA=allRA[targetIndex], DEC=allDEC[targetIndex], jmag=Jmag[targetIndex]) # offset between all stars and target dRA = (allRA - sweetSpot['RA'])*np.cos(sweetSpot['DEC']/radeg)*3600 dDEC = (allDEC - sweetSpot['DEC'])*3600 # Put field stars positions and magnitudes in structured array _ = dict(RA=allRA, DEC=allDEC, dRA=dRA, dDEC=dDEC, jmag=Jmag, T=starsT, x=np.empty(nStars), y=np.empty(nStars), dx=np.empty(nStars), dy=np.empty(nStars)) stars = np.empty(nStars, dtype=[(key, val.dtype) for key, val in _.items()]) for key, val in _.items(): stars[key] = val # Initialize final fits cube that contains the modelled traces # with contamination PAmin = 0 # instrument PA, degrees PAmax = 360 dPA = 1 # degrees # Set of IPA values to cover PAtab = np.arange(PAmin, PAmax, dPA) # degrees nPA = len(PAtab) # dimX=256 #2048 #########now as argument, with default to 256 dimY = 2048 # cube of trace simulation at every degree of field rotation, # +target at O1 and O2 simuCube = np.zeros([nPA+2, dimY, dimX]) # saveFiles = glob.glob('idlSaveFiles/*.sav')[:-1] saveFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(TRACES_PATH, 'NIRISS', '*.sav'))[:-1] # pdb.set_trace() # Big loop to generate a simulation at each instrument PA for kPA in range(PAtab.size): APA = PAtab[kPA] V3PA = APA+0.57 # from APT sindx = np.sin(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dDEC'] cosdx = np.cos(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dDEC'] nps = niriss_pixel_scale stars['dx'] = (np.cos(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dRA']-sindx)/nps stars['dy'] = (np.sin(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dRA']+cosdx)/nps stars['x'] = stars['dx']+sweetSpot['x'] stars['y'] = stars['dy']+sweetSpot['y'] # Display the star field (blue), target (red), subarray (green), # full array (blue), and axes if (kPA == 0 and nStars > 1) and False: plt.plot([0, 2047, 2047, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2047, 2047, 0], 'b') plt.plot([0, 255, 255, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2047, 2047, 0], 'g') # the order 1 & 2 traces path = '/Users/david/Documents/work/jwst/niriss/soss/data/' t1 = np.loadtxt(path+'trace_order1.txt', unpack=True) plt.plot(t1[0], t1[1], 'r') t2 = np.loadtxt(path+'trace_order2.txt', unpack=True) plt.plot(t2[0], t2[1], 'r') plt.plot(stars['x'], stars['y'], 'b*') plt.plot(sweetSpot['x'], sweetSpot['y'], 'r*') plt.title("APA= {} (V3PA={})".format(APA, V3PA)) ax = plt.gca() # add V2 & V3 axes l, hw, hl = 250, 50, 50 adx, ady = -l*np.cos(-0.57 / radeg), -l*np.sin(-0.57 / radeg) ax.arrow(2500, 1800, adx, ady, head_width=hw, head_length=hl, length_includes_head=True, fc='k') # V3 plt.text(2500+1.4*adx, 1800+1.4*ady, "V3", va='center', ha='center') adx, ady = -l*np.cos((-0.57-90)/radeg), -l*np.sin((-0.57-90)/radeg) ax.arrow(2500, 1800, adx, ady, head_width=hw, head_length=hl, length_includes_head=True, fc='k') # V2 plt.text(2500+1.4*adx, 1800+1.4*ady, "V2", va='center', ha='center') # add North and East adx, ady = -l*np.cos(APA/radeg), -l*np.sin(APA/radeg) ax.arrow(2500, 1300, adx, ady, head_width=hw, head_length=hl, length_includes_head=True, fc='k') # N plt.text(2500+1.4*adx, 1300+1.4*ady, "N", va='center', ha='center') adx, ady = -l*np.cos((APA-90)/radeg), -l*np.sin((APA-90)/radeg) ax.arrow(2500, 1300, adx, ady, head_width=hw, head_length=hl, length_includes_head=True, fc='k') # E plt.text(2500+1.4*adx, 1300+1.4*ady, "E", va='center', ha='center') ax.set_xlim(-400, 2047+800) ax.set_ylim(-400, 2047+400) ax.set_aspect('equal') # Retain stars that are within the Direct Image NIRISS POM FOV ind, = np.where((stars['x'] >= -162) & (stars['x'] <= 2047+185) & (stars['y'] >= -154) & (stars['y'] <= 2047+174)) starsInFOV = stars[ind] for i in range(len(ind)): intx = round(starsInFOV['dx'][i]) inty = round(starsInFOV['dy'][i]) k = np.where(teffMod == starsInFOV['T'][i])[0][0] fluxscale = 10.0**(-0.4*(starsInFOV['jmag'][i]-sweetSpot['jmag'])) # deal with subection sizes mx0 = int(modelPadX-intx) mx1 = int(modelPadX-intx+dimX) my0 = int(modelPadY-inty) my1 = int(modelPadY-inty+dimY) if (mx0 > dimXmod) or (my0 > dimYmod): continue if (mx1 < 0) or (my1 < 0): continue x0 = (mx0 < 0)*(-mx0) y0 = (my0 < 0)*(-my0) mx0 *= (mx0 >= 0) mx1 = dimXmod if mx1 > dimXmod else mx1 my0 *= (my0 >= 0) my1 = dimYmod if my1 > dimYmod else my1 # if target and first kPA, add target traces of order 1 and 2 # in output cube if (intx == 0) & (inty == 0) & (kPA == 0): fNameModO12 = saveFiles[k] modelO12 = readsav(fNameModO12, verbose=False)['modelo12'] ord1 = modelO12[0, my0:my1, mx0:mx1]*fluxscale ord2 = modelO12[1, my0:my1, mx0:mx1]*fluxscale simuCube[0, y0:y0+my1-my0, x0:x0+mx1-mx0] = ord1 simuCube[1, y0:y0+my1-my0, x0:x0+mx1-mx0] = ord2 if (intx != 0) or (inty != 0): mod = models[k, my0:my1, mx0:mx1] simuCube[kPA+2, y0:y0+my1-my0, x0:x0+mx1-mx0] += mod*fluxscale #mod = models[k, 1500:1500+2048, 100:100+256] #simuCube[kPA+2, 0:dimY, 0:dimX] += mod*fluxscale return simuCube
[docs]def gtsFieldSim(ra, dec, filter, binComp=''): """ Produce a Grism Time Series field simulation for a target. Parameters ---------- ra : float The RA of the target. dec : float The Dec of the target. filter : str The NIRCam filter being used. Can either be: 'F444W' or 'F322W2' (case-sensitive) binComp : sequence The parameters of a binary companion. Returns ------- simuCube : np.ndarray The simulated data cube. Index 0 and 1 (axis=0) show the trace of the target for orders 1 and 2 (respectively). Index 2-362 show the trace of the target at every position angle (PA) of the instrument. """ # Calling the variables which depend on what NIRCam filter you use if filter=='F444W': dimX = 51 dimY = 1343 rad = 2.5 pixel_scale = 0.063 # arsec xval, yval = 1096.9968649303112, 34.99693173255946 # got from PYSIAF add_to_apa = 0.0265 # got from jwst_gtvt/ elif filter=='F322W2': dimX = 51 dimY = 1823 rad = 2.5 pixel_scale = 0.063 # arsec xval, yval = 468.0140991987737, 35.007956285677665 add_to_apa = 0.0265 # got from jwst_gtvt/ # stars in large field around target targetcrd = crd.SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(u.hour, u.deg)) targetRA = targetcrd.ra.value targetDEC = targetcrd.dec.value info = Irsa.query_region(targetcrd, catalog='fp_psc', spatial='Cone', radius=rad*u.arcmin) # Coordinates of all the stars in FOV, including target allRA = info['ra'] allDEC = info['dec'] Jmag = info['j_m'] Hmag = info['h_m'] Kmag = info['k_m'] J_Hobs = Jmag-Hmag H_Kobs = Hmag-Kmag # Coordiniates of target aa = ((targetRA-allRA)*np.cos(targetDEC)) distance = np.sqrt(aa**2 + (targetDEC-allDEC)**2) targetIndex = np.argmin(distance) # the target # Add any missing companion if binComp != '': deg2rad = np.pi/180 bb = binComp[0]/3600/np.cos(allDEC[targetIndex]*deg2rad) allRA = np.append(allRA, (allRA[targetIndex] + bb)) allDEC = np.append(allDEC, (allDEC[targetIndex] + binComp[1]/3600)) Jmag = np.append(Jmag, binComp[2]) Hmag = np.append(Kmag, binComp[3]) Kmag = np.append(Kmag, binComp[4]) J_Hobs = Jmag-Hmag H_Kobs = Hmag-Kmag # Number of stars nStars = allRA.size # Restoring model parameters modelParam = readsav(os.path.join(TRACES_PATH, 'NIRISS', 'modelsInfo.sav'), verbose=False) models = modelParam['models'] modelPadX = modelParam['modelpadx'] modelPadY = modelParam['modelpady'] dimXmod = modelParam['dimxmod'] dimYmod = modelParam['dimymod'] jhMod = modelParam['jhmod'] hkMod = modelParam['hkmod'] #teffMod = modelParam['teffmod'] teffMod = np.linspace(2000, 6000, 41) # Find/assign Teff of each star starsT = np.empty(nStars) for j in range(nStars): color_separation = (J_Hobs[j]-jhMod)**2+(H_Kobs[j]-hkMod)**2 min_separation_ind = np.argmin(color_separation) starsT[j] = teffMod[min_separation_ind] radeg = 180/np.pi sweetSpot = dict(x=xval, y=yval, RA=allRA[targetIndex], DEC=allDEC[targetIndex], jmag=Jmag[targetIndex]) # Offset between all stars and target dRA = (allRA - sweetSpot['RA'])*np.cos(sweetSpot['DEC']/radeg)*3600 dDEC = (allDEC - sweetSpot['DEC'])*3600 # Put field stars positions and magnitudes in structured array _ = dict(RA=allRA, DEC=allDEC, dRA=dRA, dDEC=dDEC, jmag=Jmag, T=starsT, x=np.empty(nStars), y=np.empty(nStars), dx=np.empty(nStars), dy=np.empty(nStars)) stars = np.empty(nStars, dtype=[(key, val.dtype) for key, val in _.items()]) for key, val in _.items(): stars[key] = val # Initialize final fits cube that contains the modelled traces # with contamination PAmin = 0 # instrument PA, degrees PAmax = 360 dPA = 1 # degrees # Set of IPA values to cover PAtab = np.arange(PAmin, PAmax, dPA) # degrees nPA = len(PAtab) # Cube of trace simulation at every degree of field rotation, # +target at O1 and O2 simuCube = np.zeros([nPA+1, dimY+1, dimX+1]) fitsFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(TRACES_PATH, 'NIRCam_{}'.format(filter), 'o1*.0.fits')) fitsFiles = np.sort(fitsFiles) # Big loop to generate a simulation at each instrument PA for kPA in range(PAtab.size): APA = PAtab[kPA] # Aperture Position Angle (PA of instrument) V3PA = APA+add_to_apa # from APT sindx = np.sin(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dDEC'] cosdx = np.cos(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dDEC'] ps = pixel_scale stars['dx'] = (np.cos(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dRA']-sindx)/ps stars['dy'] = (np.sin(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dRA']+cosdx)/ps stars['x'] = stars['dx']+sweetSpot['x'] stars['y'] = stars['dy']+sweetSpot['y'] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Retain stars that are within the Direct Image NIRISS POM FOV # This extends the subarray edges to the detector edges. # It keeps the stars that fall out of the subarray but still # fall into the detector. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ind, = np.where((stars['x'] >= -8000) & (stars['x'] <= dimY+8000) & (stars['y'] >= -8000) & (stars['y'] <= dimY+8000)) starsInFOV = stars[ind] for i in range(len(ind)): intx = round(starsInFOV['dx'][i]) inty = round(starsInFOV['dy'][i]) # This indexing assumes that teffMod is # sorted the same way fitsFiles was sorted k = np.where(teffMod == starsInFOV['T'][i])[0][0] fluxscale = 10.0**(-0.4*(starsInFOV['jmag'][i]-sweetSpot['jmag'])) # deal with subection sizes modelPadX = 0 modelPadY = 0 mx0 = int(modelPadX-intx) mx1 = int(modelPadX-intx+dimX) my0 = int(modelPadY-inty) my1 = int(modelPadY-inty+dimY) if (mx0 > dimX) or (my0 > dimY): continue if (mx1 < 0) or (my1 < 0): continue x0 = (mx0 < 0)*(-mx0) y0 = (my0 < 0)*(-my0) mx0 *= (mx0 >= 0) mx1 = dimX if mx1 > dimX else mx1 my0 *= (my0 >= 0) my1 = dimY if my1 > dimY else my1 # Fleshing out index 0 of the simulation cube (trace of target) if (intx == 0) & (inty == 0) & (kPA == 0): fNameModO12 = fitsFiles[k] modelO1 = fits.getdata(fNameModO12, 1) ord1 = modelO1[0, my0:my1, mx0:mx1]*fluxscale simuCube[0, y0:y0+my1-my0, x0:x0+mx1-mx0] = ord1 # Fleshing out indexes 1-361 of the simulation cube # (trace of neighboring stars at every position angle) if (intx != 0) or (inty != 0): fNameModO12 = fitsFiles[k] modelO12 = fits.getdata(fNameModO12) simuCube[kPA+1, y0:y0+my1-my0, x0:x0+mx1-mx0] += modelO12[0, my0:my1, mx0:mx1]*fluxscale return simuCube
[docs]def lrsFieldSim(ra, dec, binComp=''): """ Produce a Grism Time Series field simulation for a target. Parameters ---------- ra : float The RA of the target. dec : float The Dec of the target. binComp : sequence The parameters of a binary companion. Returns ------- simuCube : np.ndarray The simulated data cube. Index 0 and 1 (axis=0) show the trace of the target for orders 1 and 2 (respectively). Index 2-362 show the trace of the target at every position angle (PA) of the instrument. """ # Calling the variables dimX = 55 dimY = 427 rad = 2.5 pixel_scale = 0.11 # arsec xval, yval = 38.5, 829.0 add_to_apa = 4.83425324 # stars in large field around target targetcrd = crd.SkyCoord(ra=ra, dec=dec, unit=(u.hour, u.deg)) targetRA = targetcrd.ra.value targetDEC = targetcrd.dec.value info = Irsa.query_region(targetcrd, catalog='fp_psc', spatial='Cone', radius=rad*u.arcmin) # Coordinates of all the stars in FOV, including target allRA = info['ra'] allDEC = info['dec'] Jmag = info['j_m'] Hmag = info['h_m'] Kmag = info['k_m'] J_Hobs = Jmag-Hmag H_Kobs = Hmag-Kmag # Coordiniates of target aa = ((targetRA-allRA)*np.cos(targetDEC)) distance = np.sqrt(aa**2 + (targetDEC-allDEC)**2) targetIndex = np.argmin(distance) # the target # Add any missing companion if binComp != '': deg2rad = np.pi/180 bb = binComp[0]/3600/np.cos(allDEC[targetIndex]*deg2rad) allRA = np.append(allRA, (allRA[targetIndex] + bb)) allDEC = np.append(allDEC, (allDEC[targetIndex] + binComp[1]/3600)) Jmag = np.append(Jmag, binComp[2]) Hmag = np.append(Kmag, binComp[3]) Kmag = np.append(Kmag, binComp[4]) J_Hobs = Jmag-Hmag H_Kobs = Hmag-Kmag # Number of stars nStars = allRA.size # Restoring model parameters modelParam = readsav(os.path.join(TRACES_PATH, 'NIRISS', 'modelsInfo.sav'), verbose=False) models = modelParam['models'] modelPadX = modelParam['modelpadx'] modelPadY = modelParam['modelpady'] dimXmod = modelParam['dimxmod'] dimYmod = modelParam['dimymod'] jhMod = modelParam['jhmod'] hkMod = modelParam['hkmod'] #teffMod = modelParam['teffmod'] teffMod = np.linspace(2000, 6000, 41) # Find/assign Teff of each star starsT = np.empty(nStars) for j in range(nStars): color_separation = (J_Hobs[j]-jhMod)**2+(H_Kobs[j]-hkMod)**2 min_separation_ind = np.argmin(color_separation) starsT[j] = teffMod[min_separation_ind] radeg = 180/np.pi sweetSpot = dict(x=xval, y=yval, RA=allRA[targetIndex], DEC=allDEC[targetIndex], jmag=Jmag[targetIndex]) # Offset between all stars and target dRA = (allRA - sweetSpot['RA'])*np.cos(sweetSpot['DEC']/radeg)*3600 dDEC = (allDEC - sweetSpot['DEC'])*3600 # Put field stars positions and magnitudes in structured array _ = dict(RA=allRA, DEC=allDEC, dRA=dRA, dDEC=dDEC, jmag=Jmag, T=starsT, x=np.empty(nStars), y=np.empty(nStars), dx=np.empty(nStars), dy=np.empty(nStars)) stars = np.empty(nStars, dtype=[(key, val.dtype) for key, val in _.items()]) for key, val in _.items(): stars[key] = val # Initialize final fits cube that contains the modelled traces # with contamination PAmin = 0 # instrument PA, degrees PAmax = 360 dPA = 1 # degrees # Set of IPA values to cover PAtab = np.arange(PAmin, PAmax, dPA) # degrees nPA = len(PAtab) # Cube of trace simulation at every degree of field rotation, # +target at O1 and O2 simuCube = np.zeros([nPA+1, dimY+1, dimX+1]) fitsFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(TRACES_PATH, 'MIRI', '_*.fits')) fitsFiles = np.sort(fitsFiles) # Big loop to generate a simulation at each instrument PA for kPA in range(PAtab.size): APA = PAtab[kPA] # Aperture Position Angle (PA of instrument) V3PA = APA+add_to_apa # from APT sindx = np.sin(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dDEC'] cosdx = np.cos(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dDEC'] ps = pixel_scale stars['dx'] = (np.cos(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dRA']-sindx)/ps stars['dy'] = (np.sin(np.pi/2+APA/radeg)*stars['dRA']+cosdx)/ps stars['x'] = stars['dx']+sweetSpot['x'] stars['y'] = stars['dy']+sweetSpot['y'] # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NOTE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Retain stars that are within the Direct Image NIRISS POM FOV # This extends the subarray edges to the detector edges. # It keeps the stars that fall out of the subarray but still # fall into the detector. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ind, = np.where((stars['x'] >= -8000) & (stars['x'] <= dimY+8000) & (stars['y'] >= -8000) & (stars['y'] <= dimY+8000)) starsInFOV = stars[ind] for i in range(len(ind)): intx = round(starsInFOV['dx'][i]) inty = round(starsInFOV['dy'][i]) # This indexing assumes that teffMod is # sorted the same way fitsFiles was sorted k = np.where(teffMod == starsInFOV['T'][i])[0][0] fluxscale = 10.0**(-0.4*(starsInFOV['jmag'][i]-sweetSpot['jmag'])) # deal with subection sizes modelPadX = 0 modelPadY = 0 mx0 = int(modelPadX-intx) mx1 = int(modelPadX-intx+dimX) my0 = int(modelPadY-inty) my1 = int(modelPadY-inty+dimY) if (mx0 > dimX) or (my0 > dimY): continue if (mx1 < 0) or (my1 < 0): continue x0 = (mx0 < 0)*(-mx0) y0 = (my0 < 0)*(-my0) mx0 *= (mx0 >= 0) mx1 = dimX if mx1 > dimX else mx1 my0 *= (my0 >= 0) my1 = dimY if my1 > dimY else my1 # Fleshing out index 0 of the simulation cube (trace of target) if (intx == 0) & (inty == 0) & (kPA == 0): fNameModO12 = fitsFiles[k] modelO1 = fits.getdata(fNameModO12, 1) ord1 = modelO1[0, my0:my1, mx0:mx1]*fluxscale simuCube[0, y0:y0+my1-my0, x0:x0+mx1-mx0] = ord1 # Fleshing out indexes 1-361 of the simulation cube # (trace of neighboring stars at every position angle) if (intx != 0) or (inty != 0): fNameModO12 = fitsFiles[k] modelO12 = fits.getdata(fNameModO12) simuCube[kPA+1, y0:y0+my1-my0, x0:x0+mx1-mx0] += modelO12[0, my0:my1, mx0:mx1]*fluxscale return simuCube
[docs]def fieldSim(ra, dec, instrument, binComp=''): """ Wraps ``sossFieldSim``, ``gtsFieldSim``, and ``lrsFieldSim`` together. Produces a field simulation for a target using any instrument (NIRISS, NIRCam, or MIRI). Parameters ---------- ra : float The RA of the target. dec : float The Dec of the target. instrument : str The instrument the contamination is being calculated for. Can either be (case-sensitive): 'NIRISS', 'NIRCam F322W2', 'NIRCam F444W', 'MIRI' binComp : sequence The parameters of a binary companion. Returns ------- simuCube : np.ndarray The simulated data cube. Index 0 and 1 (axis=0) show the trace of the target for orders 1 and 2 (respectively). Index 2-362 show the trace of the target at every position angle (PA) of the instrument. """ # Calling the variables which depend on what instrument you use if instrument=='NIRISS': simuCube = sossFieldSim(ra, dec, binComp) elif instrument=='NIRCam F444W': simuCube = gtsFieldSim(ra, dec, 'F444W', binComp) elif instrument=='NIRCam F322W2': simuCube = gtsFieldSim(ra, dec, 'F322W2', binComp) elif instrument=='MIRI': simuCube = lrsFieldSim(ra, dec, binComp) return simuCube
if __name__ == '__main__': ra, dec = "04 25 29.0162", "-30 36 01.603" # Wasp 79 #sossFieldSim(ra, dec) if EXOCTK_DATA: fieldSim(ra, dec, instrument='NIRISS')