Source code for exoctk.contam_visibility.sossContamFig

import os
import pkg_resources
import sys

from import fits
from bokeh.layouts import gridplot
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import Range1d, LinearColorMapper, Label
from bokeh.models.widgets import Panel, Tabs
from bokeh.palettes import inferno
import numpy as np

from . import visibilityPA as vpa

EXOCTK_DATA = os.environ.get('EXOCTK_DATA')
    print('WARNING: The $EXOCTK_DATA environment variable is not set. Contamination overlap will not work. Please set the '
          'value of this variable to point to the location of the exoctk_data '
            'download folder.  Users may retreive this folder by clicking the '
            '"ExoCTK Data Download" button on the ExoCTK website, or by using '
            'the exoctk.utils.download_exoctk_data() function.'
    TRACES_PATH = None
    TRACES_PATH = os.path.join(EXOCTK_DATA,  'exoctk_contam', 'traces')

disp_nircam = 0.001 # microns
lam0_nircam322w2 = 2.369
lam1_nircam322w2 = 4.417
lam0_nircam444w = 3.063
lam1_nircam444w = 5.111

[docs]def contam(cube, instrument, targetName='noName', paRange=[0, 360], badPAs=np.asarray([]), tmpDir="", fig='', to_html=True): # Get data from FITS file if isinstance(cube, str): hdu = cube = hdu[0].data hdu.close() if instrument != 'NIRISS': trace1 = cube[0, :, :] # target star order 1 trace cube = cube[1:, :, :] # neighbor star order 1 and 2 traces in all the angles elif instrument=='NIRISS': trace1 = cube[0, :, :] trace2 = cube[1, :, :] cube = cube[2:, :, :] plotPAmin, plotPAmax = paRange # start calculations if not TRACES_PATH: return None lam_file = os.path.join(TRACES_PATH, 'NIRISS', 'lambda_order1-2.txt') ypix, lamO1, lamO2 = np.loadtxt(lam_file, unpack=True) nPA = cube.shape[0] rows = cube.shape[1] cols = cube.shape[2] print('cols ', cols) dPA = 360//nPA PA = np.arange(nPA)*dPA contamO1 = np.zeros([rows, nPA]) if instrument=='NIRISS': contamO2 = np.zeros([rows, nPA]) for row in np.arange(rows): i = np.argmax(trace1[row, :]) #tr = trace1[row, i-20:i+41] tr = trace1[row, i-20:i+41] w = tr/np.sum(tr**2) ww = np.tile(w, nPA).reshape([nPA, tr.size]) contamO1[row, :] = np.sum(cube[:, row, i-20:i+41]*ww, axis=1) if instrument=='NIRISS': if lamO2[row] < 0.6: continue i = np.argmax(trace2[row, :]) tr = trace2[row, i-20:i+41] w = tr/np.sum(tr**2) ww = np.tile(w, nPA).reshape([nPA, tr.size]) contamO2[row, :] = np.sum(cube[:, row, i-20:i+41]*ww, axis=1) TOOLS = 'pan, box_zoom, crosshair, reset, hover' y = np.array([0., 0.]) y1 = 0.07 y2 = 0.12 y3 = 0.17 y4 = 0.23 bad_PA_color = '#dddddd' bad_PA_alpha = 0.7 # Order 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Contam plot if instrument == 'NIRISS': xlim0 = lamO1.min() xlim1 = lamO1.max() elif instrument == 'NIRCam F322W2': xlim0 = lam0_nircam322w2 xlim1 = lam1_nircam322w2 elif instrument == 'NIRCam F444W': xlim0 = lam0_nircam444w xlim1 = lam1_nircam444w elif instrument == 'MIRI': xlim0 = 5 xlim1 = 12 ylim0 = PA.min()-0.5*dPA ylim1 = PA.max()+0.5*dPA color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=inferno(8)[::-1], low=-4, high=1) color_mapper.low_color = 'white' color_mapper.high_color = 'black' s2 = figure(tools=TOOLS, width=500, height=500, title='Order 1 {} Contamination with {}'.format(targetName, instrument), x_range=Range1d(xlim0, xlim1), y_range=Range1d(ylim0, ylim1)) fig_data = np.log10(np.clip(contamO1.T, 1.e-10, 1.)) s2.image([fig_data], x=xlim0, y=ylim0, dw=xlim1-xlim0, dh=ylim1-ylim0, color_mapper=color_mapper) s2.xaxis.axis_label = 'Wavelength (um)' if instrument != 'NIRISS': s2.yaxis.axis_label = 'Aperture Position Angle (degrees)' # Add bad PAs bad_PA_color = '#555555' bad_PA_alpha = 0.6 #for ybad0, ybad1 in badPA: if len(badPAs)>0: tops, bottoms, lefts, rights = [], [], [], [] for idx in range(0, len(badPAs)): PAgroup = badPAs[idx] top_idx = np.max(PAgroup) bot_idx = np.min(PAgroup) tops.append(top_idx) bottoms.append(bot_idx) lefts.append(xlim0) rights.append(xlim1) s2.quad(top=tops, bottom=bottoms, left=lefts, right=rights, color=bad_PA_color, alpha=bad_PA_alpha) # Line plot s3 = figure(tools=TOOLS, width=150, height=500, x_range=Range1d(0, 100), y_range=s2.y_range, title=None) s3.line(100*np.sum(contamO1 >= 0.001, axis=0)/rows, PA-dPA/2, line_color='blue', legend='> 0.001') s3.line(100*np.sum(contamO1 >= 0.01, axis=0)/rows, PA-dPA/2, line_color='green', legend='> 0.01') s3.xaxis.axis_label = '% channels contam.' s3.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt' # ~~~~~~ Order 2 ~~~~~~ # Contam plot if instrument=='NIRISS': xlim0 = lamO2.min() xlim1 = lamO2.max() ylim0 = PA.min()-0.5*dPA ylim1 = PA.max()+0.5*dPA xlim0 = 0.614 s5 = figure(tools=TOOLS, width=500, height=500, title='Order 2 {} Contamination with {}'.format(targetName, instrument), x_range=Range1d(xlim0, xlim1), y_range=s2.y_range) fig_data = np.log10(np.clip(contamO2.T, 1.e-10, 1.))[:, 300:] s5.image([fig_data], x=xlim0, y=ylim0, dw=xlim1-xlim0, dh=ylim1-ylim0, color_mapper=color_mapper) #s5.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt' s5.xaxis.axis_label = 'Wavelength (um)' s5.yaxis.axis_label = 'Aperture Position Angle (degrees)' if len(badPAs)>0: tops, bottoms, lefts, rights = [], [], [], [] for idx in range(0, len(badPAs)): PAgroup = badPAs[idx] top_idx = np.max(PAgroup) bot_idx = np.min(PAgroup) tops.append(top_idx) bottoms.append(bot_idx) lefts.append(xlim0) rights.append(xlim1) s5.quad(top=tops, bottom=bottoms, left=lefts, right=rights, color=bad_PA_color, alpha=bad_PA_alpha) # Line plot s6 = figure(tools=TOOLS, width=150, height=500, y_range=s2.y_range, x_range=Range1d(100, 0), title=None) s6.line(100*np.sum(contamO2 >= 0.001, axis=0)/rows, PA-dPA/2, line_color='blue', legend='> 0.001') s6.line(100*np.sum(contamO2 >= 0.01, axis=0)/rows, PA-dPA/2, line_color='green', legend='> 0.01') s6.xaxis.axis_label = '% channels contam.' s6.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = '0pt' if len(badPAs)>0: tops, bottoms, lefts, rights = [], [], [], [] for idx in range(0, len(badPAs)): PAgroup = badPAs[idx] top_idx = np.max(PAgroup) bot_idx = np.min(PAgroup) tops.append(top_idx) bottoms.append(bot_idx) lefts.append(0) rights.append(100) s3.quad(top=tops, bottom=bottoms, left=lefts, right=rights, color=bad_PA_color, alpha=bad_PA_alpha) if instrument=='NIRISS': s6.quad(top=tops, bottom=bottoms, left=rights, right=lefts, color=bad_PA_color, alpha=bad_PA_alpha) # ~~~~~~ Plotting ~~~~~~ if instrument!='NIRISS': fig = gridplot(children=[[s2, s3]]) else: fig = gridplot(children=[[s6, s5, s2, s3]]) return fig
if __name__ == "__main__": # arguments RA & DEC, conversion to radians argv = sys.argv ra = argv[1] dec = argv[2] cubeNameSuf = argv[3] pamin = 0 if len(argv) < 5 else int(argv[4]) pamax = 360 if len(argv) < 6 else int(argv[5]) cubeName = argv[6] targetName = None if len(argv) < 8 else argv[7] save = False if len(argv) < 8 else True # if name provided -> save tmpDir = "." if len(argv) < 9 else argv[8] os.makedirs(tmpDir, exist_ok=True) goodPA, badPA, _ = vpa.checkVisPA(ra, dec, targetName) contam(cubeName, targetName=targetName, paRange=[pamin, pamax], badPA=badPA, tmpDir=tmpDir)