Source code for exoctk.contam_visibility.math_extensionsx

"""This module provides simple extensions to the Python mathematical
2018/06/26 Made PEP8 compliant and added
sind() and cosd() - Joe Filippazzo
Version 1 August 23, 2010 RLH - Added OBLIQUITY.
Version 0 August 6, 2010 RLH  - Created
from copy import deepcopy
from math import radians, acos, asin, cos, sin, sqrt, pi, ceil, exp, atan2

R2D = 180.0/pi
D2R = 1/R2D
EPSILON = 1.0e-10   # Use for safe comparisons of floating-point numbers
OBLIQUITY = 23.43929 * D2R  # Obliquity of Earth's orbit, in radians

[docs]def sind(x): """Return the sin in degrees. Parameters ---------- x: float The evaluand. Returns ------- float The sin of x in degrees. """ return sin(radians(x))
[docs]def cosd(x): """Return the cos in degrees Parameters ---------- x: float The evaluand. Returns ------- float The cos of x in degrees. """ return cos(radians(x))
[docs]def atan2d(x): """Return the arctan in degrees Parameters ---------- x: float The evaluand. Returns ------- float The arctan of x in degrees. """ return atan2(radians(x))
[docs]def really_less_than(x, y): """Safe less-than function that returns true if and only if x is "significantly" less than y. Parameters ---------- x: float The first number. y: float The second number. Returns ------- bool True if x is less, else False. """ return(x < y - EPSILON)
[docs]def really_greater_than(x, y): """Safe greater-than function that returns true if and only if x is "significantly" greater than y Parameters ---------- x: float The first number. y: float The second number. Returns ------- bool True if x is greater, else False. """ return(x > y + EPSILON)
[docs]def asin2(val): """Safe version of asin that handles invalid arguments. Arguments greater than 1 are truncated to 1; arguments less than -1 are set to -1. Parameters ---------- val: float The evaluand. Returns ------- float The arcsin of the value. """ return(asin(max(-1.0, min(1.0, val))))
[docs]def acos2(val): """Safe version of acos that handles invalid arguments in the same way as asin2 Parameters ---------- val: float The evaluand. Returns ------- float The arccos of the value. """ return(acos(max(-1.0, min(1.0, val))))
[docs]def avg(l): """Returns the average of a list of numbers Parameters ---------- l: sequence The list of numbers. Returns ------- float The average. """ return(sum(l) / float(len(l)))
[docs]def avg2(num1, num2): """Returns the average of two numbers Parameters ---------- num1: float The first number. num2: float The second number. Returns ------- float The average. """ return((num1 + num2)/2.0)
[docs]def output_as_percentage(num, fractional_digits=1): """Output a percentage neatly. Parameters ---------- num: float The number to make into a percentage. fractional_digits: int Number of digits to output as fractions of a percent. If not supplied, there is no reduction in precision. Returns ------- str The percentage. """ if (fractional_digits is not None): format_str = '%%.%.df' % (fractional_digits) # creates format string else: format_str = '%f' return('%s%%' % (format_str % (num)))
[docs]def percent_str(num, fractional_digits=1): """Output a number as a percentage. Parameters ---------- num: float The number to make into a percentage. fractional_digits: int Number of digits to output as fractions of a percent. If not supplied, there is no reduction in precision. Returns ------- str The percentage. """ return(output_as_percentage(100 * num, fractional_digits))
[docs]def variance(l): """Variance of a list of numbers that represent sample values Parameters ---------- l: sequence The list to take the variance of. Returns ------- float The variance. """ # Returns the sample variance (n-1 formula). mean = avg(l) sumsq = sum([(i - mean)**2 for i in l]) return(sumsq / float(len(l) - 1))
[docs]def stdev(l): """Standard deviation of a list of numbers that represent sample values Parameters ---------- l: sequence The list to take the standard deviation of. Returns ------- float The standard deviation. """ # Simply take the square root of the sample variance. return(sqrt(variance(l)))
[docs]def factorial(num): """Returns the factorial of a nonnegative integer. This function is provided in math module starting with Python 2.6, but implement anyway for compatibility with older systems. Parameters ---------- num: int The number to factorialize. Returns ------- int The factorial. """ result = 1 # factorial of 0 is defined as 1 for i in range(2, num + 1): result = result * i return(result)
[docs]def conditional_probability(p_joint, p_B): """Returns probability of event A given event B. Parameters ---------- p_joint: float P(A,B). p_B: float Probability of event B. Returns ------- float The probability. """ return(p_joint / p_B)
[docs]class Polynomial(object): """Class to represent a polynomial.""" def __init__(self, coefficients): """Constructor for a polynomial. Coefficients = a list of coefficients, starting with order 0 and increasing. Parameters ---------- coefficients: sequence The list of coefficients, starting with order 0 and increasing. """ self.coefficients = coefficients def __str__(self): """Returns a string representation of a polynomial.""" order = len(self.coefficients) - 1 return_string = 'Polynomial: order % d' % (order) for index in range(order + 1): # print list of coefficients c = index, self.coefficients[index] return_string = return_string + '\nCoefficient % d = % .3f' % c return(return_string)
[docs] def apply(self, value): """Returns the result of applying a polynomial to an input value Parameters ---------- value: float The evaluand. Returns ------- float The result of the evaluated equation. """ result = 0 # For each index, raise the input to the power given by that index # and multiply by the coefficient for index in range(len(self.coefficients)): result = result + self.coefficients[index] * value**index return (result)
[docs]class LinearEquation(Polynomial): """Subclass of Polynomial for linear equations. This implementation is three times faster, so Polynomial should be reserved for higher orders.""" def __init__(self, coeff0, coeff1): """Constructor for a linear equation to provide a more 'natural' interface without using a list. Parameters ---------- coeff0: float Additive constant. coeff1: float Multiplicative coefficient. """ self.coefficients = [coeff0, coeff1]
[docs] def apply(self, value): """Applies a linear equation to an input value. This is intended to be faster than the more general method with Polynomial. Parameters ---------- value: float The evaluand. Returns ------- float The result of the evaluated equation. """ return(value * self.coefficients[1] + self.coefficients[0])
[docs]class HistogramBin(object): """Class to represent a bin within a histogram."""
[docs] def store_items(self, num_items=1): """Stores a given number of items in the bin. Parameters ---------- num_items: int Number of items to store (default 1). """ self.count += num_items
[docs]class DiscreteBin(HistogramBin): """Class to represent a bin with a fixed value.""" def __init__(self, bin_value): """Constructor for a fixed-value bin Parameters ---------- bin_value: float The value of the bin. """ self.bin_value = bin_value self.count = 0 def __str__(self): """Returns a printed representation of the bin. """ # Don't assume a type for the count, as it may not be an integer # if normalized. return('%s: % s items' % (self.bin_value, self.count))
[docs] def ismatch(self, value): """Returns True if the value matches the bin, False otherwise Parameters ---------- value: float The value to compare. Returns ------- bool True if matches, else False. """ return(value == self.bin_value)
[docs]class RangeBin(HistogramBin): """Class to represent a bin with a range.""" def __init__(self, min_value=None, max_value=None, lower_inclusive=False, upper_inclusive=True): """Constructor for a range bin. Parameters ---------- min_value: float Minimum value for the bin. max_value: float Maximum value for the bin. lower_inclusive: bool True if min_value is inclusive, else False (default). upper_inclusive: bool True if max_value is inclusive, else False (default). """ self.min_value = min_value self.max_value = max_value self.lower_inclusive = lower_inclusive self.upper_inclusive = upper_inclusive self.count = 0
[docs] def describe_limits(self, precision=2): """Returns a printed representation of the limits of the bin. Parameters ---------- precision: int Number of digits to print after the decimal point. Returns ------- str The limits of the bin. """ if(self.min_value is None): if(self.upper_inclusive): result = '<= % . * f:' % (precision, self.max_value) else: result = '< % . * f:' % (precision, self.max_value) elif(self.max_value is None): if(self.lower_inclusive): result = '>= % . * f:' % (precision, self.min_value) else: result = '> % . * f:' % (precision, self.min_value) else: v = (precision, self.min_value, precision, self.max_value) result = '%. * f to % . * f:' % v return(result)
def __str__(self): """Returns a printed representation of the bin """ # Don't assume a type for the count, as it may not be an integer # if normalized. return('%s % s items' % (self.describe_limits(), self.count))
[docs] def istoo_high(self, value): """Returns True if the specified value is too high for the bin. Assumes the bin has an upper limit. Parameters ---------- value: float The value to compare. Returns ------- bool True if too high, else False. """ # value equal to limit not consideredtoo high if(self.upper_inclusive): result = (value > self.max_value) else: result = (value >= self.max_value) return(result)
[docs] def ismatch(self, value): """Indicates whether the bin matches the value. Parameters ---------- value: float The value to compare. Returns ------- bool True if matches, else False. """ return(False) # not really applicable, so always fail
[docs]class Histogram(object): """Class to represent a histogram."""
[docs] def retrieve_count(self, bin_index): """Returns the number of items stored in a given bin of the histogram. Parameters ---------- bin_index: int The index to use (starts with 1). Returns ------- int The number of items in the bin. """ return(self.bins[bin_index - 1].count)
[docs] def num_items(self): """Returns the total number of items stored in the histogram """ return(sum([bin.count for bin in self.bins]))
def __str__(self): """Returns a printed representation of the histogram. """ # Don't assume a type for the total, as it may not be an integer # if normalized. v = (len(self.bins), self.num_items()) result = 'Histogram: % d bins, % s items\n' % v for bin in self.bins: result = result + '%s\n' % (bin.__str__()) return(result)
[docs] def normalize(self, total=None): """Takes a histogram and returns a new histogram that normalizes all its values. Parameters ---------- total: int Number of items to divide each bin by for the normalization. If not supplied, it defaults to the total in the histogram. Returns ------- new_histogram : Histogram The new histogram. """ if (total is None): total = self.num_items() new_histogram = deepcopy(self) # make a deep copy for bin in new_histogram.bins: bin.count = (float(bin.count)) / total return(new_histogram)
[docs]class DiscreteHistogram(Histogram): """Class to represent a histogram with discrete values.""" def __init__(self, values): """Initializes a histogram with discrete values. Parameters ---------- values: sequence List of the discrete values. """ self.bins = [] # Create a DiscreteBin object for each value and add it to the list. for value in values: self.bins.append(DiscreteBin(value))
[docs] def retrieve_values(self): """Returns the list of bin values of a discrete histogram """ return([bin.bin_value for bin in self.bins])
[docs] def retrieve_count_by_value(self, value): """Returns the count matching a certain value. If not found, return None Parameters ---------- value: float The value to retrieve. """ bin_index = 0 result = None while ((not result) and (bin_index < len(self.bins))): bin = self.bins[bin_index] if (bin.ismatch(value)): result = bin.count bin_index += 1 return(result)
[docs] def store_items(self, value, count=1): """Stores a value in the discrete histogram if it matches one of the bin values. Count = number of items with that value to store (default 1). Returns True if a match was found and the value could be stored, False otherwise Parameters ---------- value: float The value to store. count: int Number of items with that value to store (default 1). Returns ------- found : bool Whether or not a match was found. """ bin_index = 0 found = False while ((not found) and (bin_index < len(self.bins))): bin = self.bins[bin_index] if (bin.ismatch(value)): bin.store_items(count) found = True bin_index += 1 return(found)
[docs]class ContinuousHistogram(Histogram): """Class to represent a histogram with continuous values.""" def __init__(self, boundaries, highest_inclusive=False): """Initializes a continuous histogram. Default behavior with highest_inclusive = False: Bin 0 is defined by x <= boundaries[0]. For i > 0, bin i is defined by boundaries[i-1] < x <= boundaries[i]. Bin n+1 is defined by x > boundaries[n-1]. Behavior with highest_exclusive = True: Bins below n are defined in the same way as above. Bin n is defined by boundaries[n-2] < x < boundaries[n-1]. Bin n+1 is defined by x >= boundaries[n-1]. Parameters ---------- boundaries: sequence List of numbers that separate the bins, in increasing order. highest_inclusive: bool True if highest bin includes the last boundary, False (default) otherwise. """ self.bins = [] self.highest_inclusive = highest_inclusive lower_lim = None # A histogram is a list of bins. # For the first bin, the lower limit is None (unbounded). # For the last bin, the upper limit is None. # Rely on default limits behavior in HistogramBin constructor. for index in range(len(boundaries)): upper_lim = boundaries[index] self.bins.append(RangeBin(min_value=lower_lim, max_value=upper_lim)) lower_lim = upper_lim self.bins.append(RangeBin(min_value=lower_lim)) # Add highest bin # If highest_inclusive is set, change limit behavior of two # highest bins. if (highest_inclusive): self.bins[-2].upper_inclusive = False self.bins[-1].lower_inclusive = True
[docs] def retrieve_boundaries(self): """Returns the list of boundaries of a continuous histogram. """ # Return upper limits of all bins except the last. return([bin.max_value for bin in self.bins[:-1]])
[docs] def store_items(self, value, count=1): """Stores a value in the continuous histogram. Parameters ---------- value: float The value to store. count: int Number of items with that value to store (default 1). """ bin_index = 0 found = False # Search all bins up to the next-highest. If value is not too high # for the bin, store the items there. while ((not found) and (bin_index < len(self.bins) - 1)): bin = self.bins[bin_index] if (not (bin.istoo_high(value))): found = True bin.store_items(count) bin_index += 1 # The value must belong in the highest bin if not found earlier. if (not found): self.bins[-1].store_items(count)
[docs]def combine_histograms(histograms): """Takes a list of histograms and returns a new Histogram object that sums the values in each bin. All histograms in the list must be identical except for the count. Parameters ---------- histograms: sequence A lst of Histogram objects to combine. Returns ------- Histogram The combined histogram. """ # Initialize the new histogram with properties of the first histogram # in the list. if (isinstance(histograms[0], ContinuousHistogram)): hist_bounds = histograms[0].retrieve_boundaries() hist_high = histograms[0].highest_inclusive new_histogram = ContinuousHistogram(hist_bounds, hist_high) else: # assume discrete histogram new_histogram = DiscreteHistogram(histograms[0].retrieve_values()) for bin_index in range(len(new_histogram.bins)): total_items = sum([hist.bins[bin_index].count for hist in histograms]) new_histogram.bins[bin_index].store_items(total_items) return(new_histogram)
[docs]def average_histograms(histograms): """Takes a list of histogram objects and simply averages all the bin values. All histograms in the list must be identical except for the count. Parameters ---------- histograms: sequence A lst of Histogram objects to combine. Returns ------- new_histogram : Histogram The averaged histogram. """ # Make a copy of the first histogram in the list. new_histogram = deepcopy(histograms[0]) for bin_index in range(len(new_histogram.bins)): new_histogram.bins[bin_index].count = avg([hist.bins[bin_index].count for hist in histograms]) return(new_histogram)
[docs]class PoissonDistribution(DiscreteHistogram): """Class to represent a Poisson distribution."""
[docs] def probability(self, k): """Computes the probability that the Poisson distribution takes on the value k. Value must be a nonnegative integer. Parameters ---------- k: float The value to compute. Returns ------- float The probability. """ u = self.mean return((u**k * exp(-u)) / factorial(k))
[docs] def generate_distribution(self): """Populates a Poisson distribution up to the maximum bin. """ cum = 0 # For each value from 0 up to the next-to-last, compute the # Poisson distribution for that value, populate the bin, and keep # track of the cumulative total. for value in range(len(self.bins) - 1): self.bins[value].count = p = self.probability(value) cum += p # remainder of distribution goes in the last bin self.bins[-1].count = 1.0 - cum
def __init__(self, mean, max_boundary): """Constructor function for the Poisson distribution. Parameters ---------- mean: float Mean parameter for the Poisson distribution. max_boundary: float The largest parameter for which the probability is to be computed. All values larger than max_boundary will be lumped into the highest bin. """ self.mean = mean self.bins = [] # Create discrete bins for values from 0 to max_boundary, inclusive. for value in range(max_boundary + 1): self.bins.append(DiscreteBin(value)) # Use a RangeBin object for the highest bin. self.bins.append(RangeBin(min_value=max_boundary)) # Now generate the distribution. self.generate_distribution() def __str__(self): """Inspector function for Poisson distribution.""" poisson_info = 'PoissonDistribution: Mean: % .2f\n' % (self.mean) generic_info = super(self.__class__, self).__str__() return(poisson_info + generic_info)
[docs] def retrieve_values(self): """Returns the list of bin values for the Poisson distribution.""" return(list(range(len(self.bins) - 1))) # leave out last bin
[docs] def retrieve_count_by_value(self, value): """Returns the number of items in the histogram that have the designated value. Value must be an integer between 0 and max_boundary. Parameters ---------- value: float The value to retrieve. Returns ------- result : int The number of items with the given value. """ # If the value exceeds max_boundary, return None. Otherwise just # use the value as an index into the list of bins. if (value > len(self.bins) - 2): result = None else: result = self.bins[value].count return(result)
[docs] def cumulative_probability(self, value): """Returns the probability that a random variable will have a value no greater than the one specified. Parameters ---------- value: float The value between 0 and the max_boundary of the distribution. Returns ------- float The probability. """ return(sum([self.bins[i].count for i in range(value + 1)]))
[docs]class StatisticalList(list): """Numeric list class with statistical attributes.""" def __init__(self, data=None): """Initializes a statistical list. Parameters ---------- data: sequence List of inputs to list. """ # If data were provided, copy into the list. if (data is not None): for i in range(len(data)): self.append(data[i])
[docs] def compute_variance(self): """Computes the variance of a statistical list. """ mean = self.mean # Variance is defined as the sum of the squares of the differences # between each data point and the mean, divided by the number of # degrees of freedom. For now assume the list is a sample, so # DOF = n-1. return(sum([(n - mean)**2 for n in self]) / (len(self) - 1))
[docs] def compute_rms(self): """Computes the rms value of a statistical list. """ # Simply sum the squares, divide by n, and take the square root. return(sqrt(avg([n**2 for n in self])))
[docs] def compute_statistics(self, min_value=None, max_value=None, max_bins=None): """Computes statistics for a StatisticalList object; must contain at least one element. Parameters ---------- min_value: float Minimum value for cutoff of histogram (defaults to minimum in list). max_value: float Maximum value for cutoff of histogram (defaults to maximum in list). max_bins: int Maximum number of bins in histogram. """ # first sort the list in increasing order -- note this is destructive self.sort() # Compute min, max, mean, median, variance, standard deviation, # and rms value. num_elements = len(self) self.min = self[0] self.max = self[-1] self.mean = avg(self) self.median = self[(num_elements/2)] self.variance = self.compute_variance() self.stdev = sqrt(self.variance) self.rms_value = self.compute_rms() # Create a list of percentiles at 2% steps from 0 to 100%. # At each percentile, find the nearest index and add an entry. # Each entry is a tuple with (<percentile>, <value>). self.percentiles = [] for i in range(51): index = int(round((num_elements - 1) * (i/50.0))) self.percentiles.append((i * 2, self[index])) # Define histogram parameters. # Number of bins defaults to one-fourth the number of elements. # If max_bins is specified, limit number of bins accordingly. num_bins = max(3, int(ceil(num_elements/4.0))) # minimum of 3 bins if (max_bins is not None): num_bins = min(num_bins, max_bins) bin_step = (self.max - self.min) / (float(num_bins)) min_bin_value = self.min + bin_step max_bin_value = self.max - bin_step # If min_value and/or max_value is specified, limit min/max bin # values accordingly. if (min_value is not None): min_bin_value = min_value if (max_value is not None): max_bin_value = max_value # recalculate bin step bin_step = (max_bin_value - min_bin_value) / (float(num_bins - 2)) # Create a histogram with the specified number of evenly spaced # bounds. Number of bounds is equal to number of bins - 1. boundary_value = min_bin_value bounds = [] for i in range(num_bins - 1): bounds.append(boundary_value) boundary_value = boundary_value + bin_step self.histogram = ContinuousHistogram(bounds, highest_inclusive=False) # Now store the data in the histogram for value in self: self.histogram.store_items(value)
def __str__(self): """Prints data on a statistical list after statistics are generated.""" vals = [len(self), self.min, self.max, self.mean, self.median] vals += [self.variance, self.stdev, self.rms_value] string = """StatisticalList: % d elements, min = % .4f, max = % .4f, mean = % .4f, median = % .4f, variance = % .4f, stdev = % .4f, rms = % .4f""" % vals return string
[docs]class Circle(object): """Class to represent a circle.""" def __init__(self, radius): """Initialize a circle with a specified radius. Parameters ---------- radius: float The radius of the circle. """ self.radius = radius def __str__(self): """Inspector method for the circle. """ return('Circle: radius = % .2f' % (self.radius))
[docs] def area(self): """Returns the area of the circle. """ return(pi * self.radius**2)
[docs]class Rectangle(object): """Class to represent a rectangle.""" def __init__(self, length, width): """Initialize a rectangle with a specified length and width. Parameters ---------- length: float The length of the rectangle. width: float The width of the rectangle. """ self.length = length self.width = width def __str__(self): """Inspector method for the rectangle. """ dims = (self.length, self.width) return('Rectangle: length = % .2f, width = % .2f' % dims)
[docs] def area(self): """Returns the area of the rectangle. """ return(self.length * self.width)
[docs] def motion_tolerant_area(self, motion_length, motion_angle): """Returns the area within a rectangle that can tolerate a motion in a known direction while remaining within the rectangle. Parameters ---------- motion_length: float Distance of motion (same units as rectangle length and width). motion_angle: float Angle in radians between the direction of motion and long direction of rectangle. Returns ------- float The area. """ # Compute the x and y distances to the edge. A position # within the rectangle is only motion-tolerant if it exceeds # both of these distances. The effective length is thus reduced # by delta_x and the effective width by delta_y. delta_x = motion_length * cos(motion_angle) # lengthwise direction delta_y = motion_length * sin(motion_angle) return ((self.length - delta_x) * (self.width - delta_y))
[docs]class Square(Rectangle): """Class to represent a square.""" def __init__(self, side): """Initialize a square with a specified side length. Parameters ---------- side: float The length of the square side. """ self.side = side # call superclass method with length and width super(self.__class__, self).__init__(side, side) def __str__(self): """Inspector method for the square. """ return('Square: side = % .2f' % (self.side))
[docs] def inner_area(self, excluded_width): """Returns the area of the square after removing a strip of specified width along each edge. Parameters ---------- excluded_width: float The width of the strip to remove. Returns ------- float The area. """ # Return the area of a square that is reduced in side length by twice # the specified width, because both sides are affected. return(Square(self.side - 2 * excluded_width).area())