Source code for exoctk.contam_visibility.ephemeris_old2x

# ! /usr/bin/env python
# Module
import math
import sys
import time

from . import astro_funcx as astro_func
from . import quaternionx as qx
from . import time_extensionsx as time2

D2R = math.pi/180.  # degrees to radians
R2D = 180. / math.pi  # radians to degrees
PI2 = 2. * math.pi  # 2 math.pi
MIN_SUN_ANGLE = 84.8 * D2R  # minimum Sun angle, in radians
MAX_SUN_ANGLE = 135.0 * D2R  # maximum Sun angle, in radians
SUN_ANGLE_PAD = 0.5 * D2R   # pad away from Sun angle limits

Qecl2eci = qx.QX(23.439291*D2R)  # At J2000 equinox

[docs]class Ephemeris: """A class for the ephemeris of an observation. History ------- 07/31/2008 Added functions for sun position 12/05/2008 Switched to spline fit. 07/29/2010 Added OP window calc 08/03/2010 Got rid of degrees trig functions Removed in_FOR, is_valid_att etc. as those are S/C dependent """ def __init__(self, ephem_file, cnvrt=False): """Ephemeris constructor Parameters ---------- ephem_file: str The path to the ephemeris file. cnvrt: bool, optional Converts into Ecliptic frame. """ if cnvrt: print("Using Ecliptic Coordinates") else: print("Using Equatorial Coordinates") self.datelist = [] self.xlist = [] self.ylist = [] self.zlist = [] self.amin = 0. self.amax = 0. aV = qx.Vector(0., 0., 0.) if ephem_file.find("l2_halo_FDF_060619.trh") > -1: ascale = 0.001 else: ascale = 1.0 fin = open(ephem_file, 'r') finLines = fin.readlines() for item in finLines[2:]: item = item.strip() item = item.split() adate = time2.mjd_from_string(item[0]) # represent dates as mjds x = float(item[1])*ascale y = float(item[2])*ascale z = float(item[3])*ascale if cnvrt: aV.set_eq(x, y, z) ll = aV.length() aV = aV/ll aV = Qecl2eci.inv_cnvrt(aV) aV = aV*ll x = aV.rx() y = aV.ry() z = aV.rz() self.datelist.append(adate) self.xlist.append(x) self.ylist.append(y) self.zlist.append(z) if self.amin == 0.: self.amin = adate self.amax = adate fin.close()
[docs] def report_ephemeris(self, limit=100000, pathname=None): """Prints a formatted report of the ephemeris. Parameters ---------- limit: int, optional The number of records to report. pathname: str, optional The path to a file to hold the report. """ num_to_report = min(limit, len(self.datelist)) if (pathname): dest = open(pathname, 'w') print(('# Generated %s\n' % (time.ctime())), file=dest) else: dest = sys.stdout # defaults to standard output print(('%17s %14s %14s %14s\n' % ('DATE ', 'X (KM) ', 'Y (KM) ', 'Z (KM) ')), file=dest) for num in range(num_to_report): date = self.datelist[num] x = self.xlist[num] y = self.ylist[num] z = self.zlist[num] fmt = time2.display_date(date), x, y, z print(('%17s %14.3f %14.3f %14.3f' % fmt), file=dest) if (pathname): dest.close() # Clean up
[docs] def pos(self, adate): """Computes the position of the telescope at a given date using the grid of positions of the ephemeris as a starting point and applying a linear interpolation between the ephemeris grid points Parameters ---------- adate: datetime.datetime object The date of the observation. Returns ------- qx.Vector object The position of the telescope as a Vector object """ cal_days = adate - self.datelist[0] index = int(cal_days) if (index == len(self.datelist)-1): index = index - 1 frac = cal_days - index x = (self.xlist[index+1] - self.xlist[index])*frac + self.xlist[index] y = (self.ylist[index+1] - self.ylist[index])*frac + self.ylist[index] z = (self.zlist[index+1] - self.zlist[index])*frac + self.zlist[index] return qx.Vector(x, y, z)
[docs] def Vsun_pos(self, adate): """The vector of the sun at the given date Parameters ---------- adate: datetime The date of the observation Returns ------- Vector The position of the sun as a Vector object """ Vsun = -1. * self.pos(adate) Vsun = Vsun / Vsun.length() return Vsun
[docs] def sun_pos(self, adate): """The coordinates of the sun at the given date Parameters ---------- adate: datetime.datetime object The date of the observation. Returns ------- tuple The coordinates of the sun. """ Vsun = -1. * self.pos(adate) Vsun = Vsun / Vsun.length() coord2 = math.asin(unit_limit(Vsun.z)) coord1 = math.atan2(Vsun.y, Vsun.x) if coord1 < 0.: coord1 += PI2 return (coord1, coord2)
[docs] def normal_pa(self, adate, tgt_c1, tgt_c2): """Calculate the V3 position Parameters ---------- adate: datetime.datetime object The date of the observation. tgt_c1: float The RA in radians. tgt_c2: float The Dec in radians. Returns ------- float The V3 position. """ (sun_c1, sun_c2) = self.sun_pos(adate) sun_pa =, tgt_c2, sun_c1, sun_c2) V3_pa = sun_pa + math.pi # We want -V3 pointed towards sun. if V3_pa < 0.: V3_pa += PI2 if V3_pa >= PI2: V3_pa -= PI2 return V3_pa
[docs] def long_term_attitude(self, date): """Defines a long-term safe attitude as of a given date. Parameters ---------- date: float The date of computation, as an mjd. Returns ------- Attitude The Attitude object at the given date. """ # Retrieve Sun's position and transform to ecliptic coordinates. (sun_ra, sun_dec) = self.sun_pos(date) # RA range 0-PI2 vSun = qx.CelestialVector(sun_ra, sun_dec, degrees=False) vSun = vSun.transform_frame('ec') # Now subtract the minimum Sun angle plus a pad from the # ecliptic longitude. # Sun angle steadily decreases as the Earth (and JWST with it) # revolve counterclockwise, so this should maximize the duration # when the attitude is within the FOR. Set the latitude to # 0 (ecliptic). # Normalize to 0-360 degrees, and convert back into equatorial # coordinates. # Then set the normal PA, which should be valid at the ecliptic for # the duration of the visibility window. longitude = vSun.ra - MIN_SUN_ANGLE - SUN_ANGLE_PAD if (longitude < 0): longitude = longitude + PI2 vec1 = qx.CelestialVector(longitude, 0.0, frame='ec', degrees=False) vec1 = vec1.transform_frame('eq') pa = self.normal_pa(date, vec1.ra, vec1.dec) return(qx.Attitude(vec1.ra, vec1.dec, pa, degrees=False))
[docs] def is_valid(self, date, ngc_1, ngc_2, V3pa): """Indicates whether an attitude is valid at a given date. Parameters ---------- date: float The date of the observation. ngc_1: flaot The RA of the reference in radians. ngc_2: float The Dec of the reference in radians. V3pa: float The V3 position of the telescope. Returns ------- bool Is it a valid PA. """ # First check that the date is within the time interval of # the ephemeris. if ((date < self.amin) or (date > self.amax)): return False (sun_1, sun_2) = self.sun_pos(date) d = astro_func.dist(ngc_1, ngc_2, sun_1, sun_2) vehicle_pitch = math.pi/2 - d # see JI memo from May 2006 # sun pitch is always equal or greater than sun angle (V1 to sun) if (d < MIN_SUN_ANGLE or d > MAX_SUN_ANGLE): return False # now checking the roll and pitch angle combination pa =, ngc_2, sun_1, sun_2) + math.pi roll = math.acos(math.cos(V3pa - pa)) sun_roll = math.asin(math.sin(roll) * math.cos(vehicle_pitch)) if (abs(sun_roll) <= 5.2*D2R): sun_pitch = math.atan2(math.tan(vehicle_pitch), math.cos(roll)) if (sun_pitch <= 5.2*D2R and sun_pitch >= -45.*D2R): return True return False
[docs] def in_FOR(self, date, ngc_1, ngc_2): """Test if in the FOR Parameters ---------- date: float The date of the observation. ngc_1: flaot The RA of the reference in radians. ngc_2: float The Dec of the reference in radians. Returns ------- bool Is it in the FOR. """ (sun_1, sun_2) = self.sun_pos(date) d = astro_func.dist(ngc_1, ngc_2, sun_1, sun_2) # sun pitch is always equal or greater than sun angle (V1 to sun) if (d < MIN_SUN_ANGLE or d > MAX_SUN_ANGLE): return False return True
[docs] def bisect_by_FOR(self, in_date, out_date, ngc_1, ngc_2): """Find the midpoint in time between in and out of FOR, assumes only one "root" in interval Parameters ---------- in_date: float The in date of the observation. out_date: float The out date of the observation. ngc_1: flaot The RA of the reference in radians. ngc_2: float The Dec of the reference in radians. Returns ------- float The midpoint in time. """ delta_days = 200. mid_date = (in_date+out_date)/2. while delta_days > 0.000001: (sun_1, sun_2) = self.sun_pos(mid_date) d = astro_func.dist(ngc_1, ngc_2, sun_1, sun_2) if (d > MAX_SUN_ANGLE or d < MIN_SUN_ANGLE): out_date = mid_date else: in_date = mid_date mid_date = (in_date+out_date)/2. delta_days = abs(in_date-out_date)/2. # print "UU", mid_date # ensure returned date always in FOR if in_date > out_date: mid_date = mid_date + 0.000001 else: mid_date = mid_date - 0.000001 return mid_date
[docs] def bisect_by_attitude(self, in_date, out_date, ngc_1, ngc_2, pa): """Find the midpoint in time between in and out of FOR, assumes only one "root" in interval Parameters ---------- in_date: float The in date of the observation. out_date: float The out date of the observation. ngc_1: flaot The RA of the reference in radians. ngc_2: float The Dec of the reference in radians. pa: float The position angle. Returns ------- float The midpoint in time. """ icount = 0 delta_days = 200. mid_date = (in_date+out_date)/2. # print "bisect >", in_date, out_date, abs(in_date-out_date ) while delta_days > 0.000001: if self.is_valid(mid_date, ngc_1, ngc_2, pa): in_date = mid_date else: out_date = mid_date mid_date = (in_date+out_date)/2. delta_days = abs(in_date-out_date)/2. # print "UU", mid_date icount = icount + 1 # print " bisected >", icount return mid_date
[docs] def OP_window(self, adate, ngc_1, ngc_2, pa, mdelta, pdelta): """Attitude at adate must be valid, else returns (0, 0). If valid, returns (adate-mdelta, adate+pdelta) or the constraint window, which ever is smaller. Parameters ---------- date: float The date of the observation. ngc_1: flaot The RA of the reference in radians. ngc_2: float The Dec of the reference in radians. pa: float The position angle. mdelta: float Delta time on low end. pdelta: float Delta time on high end. Returns ------- tuple The OP window. """ if self.is_valid(adate, ngc_1, ngc_2, pa): if self.is_valid(adate-mdelta, ngc_1, ngc_2, pa): OP_min = adate-mdelta else: OP_min = self.bisect_by_attitude(adate, adate-mdelta, ngc_1, ngc_2, pa) if self.is_valid(adate+pdelta, ngc_1, ngc_2, pa): OP_max = adate+pdelta else: OP_max = self.bisect_by_attitude(adate, adate+pdelta, ngc_1, ngc_2, pa) else: OP_min = 0. OP_max = 0. return (OP_min, OP_max)
[docs]def unit_limit(x): """ Forces value to be in [-1, 1]. Parameters ---------- x: float, int The value to adjust. Returns ------- float The adjusted value. """ return min(max(-1., x), 1.)